
Welcome to our Group! Throughout these 12 weeks, we hope that you will begin changes in your eating habits and activity level that will ultimately change your life. Please use this forum to seek advice, encouragement, or accountability from others.
Rules for posting:
1) No negative or demeaning comments please.
2) No profanity

Week 1 : Decide on your diet plan. Log food eaten and keep count of your calories! This is very important in your weight loss success. You don't realize just how much you are eating until you start keeping up with it.

Contact me or the nurse at your school if you have questions!

Good Luck!


  • mandye09
    mandye09 Posts: 1 Member

    I find eating healthy is somthing i enjoy doing but my biggest problem is notknowing healthy recipes and not knowing what is in foods and what you should and shouldnt eat.
  • jenpierce33
    Mandye09 i have found the following website to be very helpful. you can look up healthy recipes by main protein type such as chicken/pork/beef or by cuisine like italian/mexican..... the website is www.sparkrecipes.com
    i use recipes from here almost every night and even my children that are picky eaters enjoy it. Hope it helps you.