Prenatal Yoga

Nike13 Posts: 122 Member
So tonight I'm starting Prenatal Yoga. I've been having a lot of back issues and was told this might help. I'm really excited for it, luckily a friend of mine is signed up for the same class (she's due July 9th) so I'll even have a buddy there.

I did a few classes last year of regular (?) yoga and it seemed to help my joints but I wasn't so into it that I wanted to continue (had started with a groupon and was not convinced regular price was worth it).

Anyone else trying prenatal yoga out? I'll let you know how it goes tonight or tomorrow morning for those curious.


  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    no, but i'd love to find a class in my area, just to meet other pregnant women!
  • amyjpage
    amyjpage Posts: 97 Member
    The classes in my area are a combination of:

    - WAYYYY to expensive for me ($180 for 8 classes)
    - all the start times are at say 6pm on the other ends of the city ... impossible for me to get from work (finish at 5pm downtown) to yoga studios with enough time to account for traffic, and secure my spot in the class within the mandatory arrival time (most studios will not allow you to be even 1 minute late)
    - cannot seem to find any prenatal yoga classes on weekends

    So... I plan to buy a pre-natal yoga dvd this weekend instead!
  • I still keep meaning to buy a DVD... I'd love to take classes, but unfortunately it's just too expensive for me at this point. (Husband hasn't been working for the past month and a half - the price of working outdoors)

    I hope it works with your back pain!
  • Nike13
    Nike13 Posts: 122 Member
    The class felt so good. We did some stuff on a giant ball that helped align my back and then some normal posing/stretching. My joints were cracking almost the whole time but eventually everything seemed to figure out we're moving and body should just go with it.

    There's only one class in my area so I was pretty lucky it was late at night. It's funny cause there's all these yoga places but it's like no one wants to touch pregnant women so only one place does it.
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    Amy- Same here! Not with Prenatal yoga, but with other classes. I always wanted to do a spinning class but they all start a 5:30 pm, and i don't get off until 5:30. So I never get the chance to do them.