Cumin, etc...the spices of LIFE!!!! 1/16/14

garlic7girl Posts: 2,234 Member

Have you ever gone to someone's house or a restaurant and had something to eat and it was bland? It is almost as bad as eating something spoiled!!!!!
We have spices! Use them!!!! There are so many to choose from and they can make all the healthy foods we are to eat taste better! Be creative experiment and have fun with spices! Read up on will find a treasure of gold you didn't know existed!

Now price...hmmm I still think they are overpriced but in my grocery store I went over to get some beans by teh Latino products well low and behold there were the same spices as over in the baking aisle but cheaper and they taste just as good too! They even sell the whole variety! Look in other places in your store or area...there are bound to be cheaper ones.


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    I love my spices!!!! I have lots that I use. Some of them I use individually, but I've bought some jars that are spice blends and they are delish too!
    You do need to look around, I agree, the traditional spices in the baking aisle tends to be expensive, but in my store, over by the ethnic and gluten free sections they have a whole section of a brand (can't remember the name off hand, starts with a B though) that is less expensive so I start there then go to the baking aisle, and I try to wait til the holidays if I can because a lot of the spice companies will put coupons in the paper so I can get those ones for less.
  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Cumin is my favorite! I'll put it in everything.
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    I love Cumin and Curry and lots of others but I find that if I use too much then the kid doesn't want to eat it. And there are things my DH doesn't like (Cumin and Curry being prime as well as another favorite - ginger). He likes it hot and I don't want extreme hot. A lot of spices are also herbal medicines so when you include them in your foods, they work on your system for improvements as well as making your meal taste better. It's good to know what they do on the herbal side of the thing especially when taking prescribed medicines. Some things don't react well together.
  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    A lot of spices are also herbal medicines so when you include them in your foods, they work on your system for improvements as well as making your meal taste better. It's good to know what they do on the herbal side of the thing especially when taking prescribed medicines. Some things don't react well together.
    Good point Verde! Some times people don't think about the problem they're having being due to something as simple as a certain food or spice reacting with their meds!
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    My mom had a med that she was taking for her diabetes and had no idea she wasn't suppose to drink pink grapefruit juice - pink - her favorite kind of course. Boy was she mad at me for pointing it out!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,234 Member
    I love Cumin and Curry and lots of others but I find that if I use too much then the kid doesn't want to eat it. And there are things my DH doesn't like (Cumin and Curry being prime as well as another favorite - ginger). He likes it hot and I don't want extreme hot. A lot of spices are also herbal medicines so when you include them in your foods, they work on your system for improvements as well as making your meal taste better. It's good to know what they do on the herbal side of the thing especially when taking prescribed medicines. Some things don't react well together.
    EXCELLENT resource thank you! I also had a friend of a friend from India say the women use turmeric to help with excess bleeding during the monthly cycle. I have been using extra in my food and by golly it works! I usually bleed like a slaughtered pig but it has cut it down some and I love it!
  • jessicabellin12
    jessicabellin12 Posts: 6 Member
    I like to use spices as well but I try to be very careful when using spice blends (like lemon pepper) because a lot of times theyalready have a lot of salit in them which brings up sodium levels that can already be high enough in most peoples diets as it is.