New member here - 12 weeks pregnant!

justleeanne Posts: 251 Member
Hi everyone,

I would love to say that I am fit, fabulous & pregnant, however I am totally not! Ha!

I have been on a journey over the past couple of years, I lost about 50lbs, got into a really good lifestyle, running and exercising, eating well, then I slipped and gained half of it back! I recently found out that I am pregnant and feel that for the sake of my baby and my soon to be two children, I owe it to all of us to eat healthier again and get back into the healthy lifestyle I know I can lead and that I enjoyed and felt good living!

I am back here logging food again so that I can keep track of what I am eating and making sure that I am getting good nutrition not just eating junk and rubbish! I also would love to be a part of this group so that I can help others, keep motivated and learn more about exercise while pregnant as I want to be active and do it safely!

Looking forward to getting to know some of you!


  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi! I'm 14 weeks preg with #4. I was on a weight loss kick right before I got preggers.... Was doing insanity and walk/running. I'm hoping to not go crazy and gain 40lbs, hoping for a max of 25 as I'm currently overweight. Anyway, as soon as I feel better I'm hoping to incorporate walking into my life again lol.. Feel free to add me as a bud :) congrats on your pregnancy!