Eve's temptation

Isn't it interesting that Eve struggled with eating? Of all the ways she could have been tempted, she fell in that area. The enemy knows we eat for a variety of reasons: not hunger in her case, but because she was told she couldn't. It looked even better than the other fruit, plus the serpent told her it would make her like God. He went so far as to cast doubt in her mind of the consequences of eating it: "You will not die! "

Satan ultimately wanted Eve to doubt God's word through this one act of disobedience. It costed her dearly for generations after. Thank God that we can be forgiven for our acts of disobedience! May we all strive to subject our eating habits as an act of worship and obedience to our Lord. Let us not doubt His word that He will provide our every need, as we spend time with Him. The other reasons for eating will diminish and we will eat to fuel our bodies, not our emotions...
