20 Jan 2014

Took the weekend off from writing, but it was an ok one! Anyone want to talk about it?


  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    I was worried this weekend because we went out to breakfast on Saturday morning and then Saturday night I had a wine and cheese party. I ended up only gaining 2 tenth's of a pound! I was so proud of myself! And then yesterday, I did really good eating, maybe didn't eat enough? but I ended up gaining 1.5 pounds in one day!!! Maybe I didn't drink enough water? It's my Sunday curse because Monday's are my official weigh in day. I don't get it. I was down to around 137.4 ish for about 4-5 days, and then on Sunday it goes up 1.5 pounds! It is totally frustrating, especially since I didn't over eat at all yesterday!
  • That is annoying, hope it worked itself out for you.
    I did my first weekly weigh in today, down 5.5 pounds in a week! Its a little difficult because I want to have something tasty to celebrate, but know that would not be a good idea.