
Hi All!

My name is Lyndsy, 28 year old single first time Mama. Almost 10 weeks PP. I'm breastfeeding and plan to continue as long as DS is interested. I weighed 134ish when I got pregnant, then gained FIFTY pounds. I'm weighing in at around 157 now and I'm dying to see a glimpse of my old body. Orrrrr, as close as I can get to it. I'm not sure of the dynamics of this board yet, but I'm happy to meet you all.. and congratulations on your little ones :)


  • stellcorb
    stellcorb Posts: 294 Member
    Congrats Lyndsy and welcome! I gained 50 with my first as well (he's 4 now) but only 35 with my last (19 mos). I was able to lose while BF'ing my first (he weaned himself at 15 mos), but it did affect my supply a bit as it was combined w/ working full time as well.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Welcome, and congratulations! You may want to check out the breastfeeding support board, too: