Level 2 Day 13

TseliB Posts: 300 Member
For the first time, the cardio sets are feeling like a relief! It's a welcome break from the strength and abs. Feeling so much stronger & actually starting to enjoy the workout. My knees are still taking strain, but I tried going a little less deep into the pendulum lunges & I think it's helping.

Can't believe we're almost halfway through the 30 days!


  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    I took yesterday off. I started the video twice but my kids had other plans for me. I eventually fell asleep waiting on them at bedtime so oh well. Today the baby was super cranky and I only got level 1 in. I figured I know what she's doing and can do them by the sound of her voice, even if a ten month old climbs on me crying while I do push-ups and crunches! Lol. I ***WILL*** attack L2 tomorrow. This group inspires me!!!
  • S4llyF
    S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
    I am going to post on the "here and now" I think!!
    Strictly I am 2 days behind you as took a couple of rest days,, but today was my second day of level 2...
    Read all your second days and I am pleased to see I am similar to y'all!!!
    Pendulum lunges kill me - and I dont think I am doing them well ... like someone else (sorry I cant remember who) I am getting twinges in my knee so taking them a little easy and not going too low...

    I really dont like the plank shaped cardio stuff :(

    But hey... onwards and upwards ....
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I actually did Day 14 today, but I'm posting here too. I think I'll need a rest day soon anyway. My knee is feeling much better today, but I'm still trying to be extra careful about my form.

    I made it nearly all the way through the strength training in the 3rd circuit without a break today! I had a couple moments where I left my arms down for one pump here and there, but that's it! Major progress for me!!

    Still totally shot for the cardio and abs on that level, though. WHY does it all have to be in plank? The rest of my body/spirit is willing, but my shoulders have had it by that point. I'm keeping at it, though. I hope I can do it all by the end.

    Today was a tough day to get out of bed. I almost made it a rest day, but forced myself up and out. Even starting the workout, I thought maybe I'll just do the beginning and not count this as a full "day." I really think this level flies by, though. Once I was finished, I was so glad I had done it! So much of being fit is the mental challenge of it. It's not so hard to do any of this, it's just the challenge of being consistent that always gets me down.
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    I actually did Day 14 today, but I'm posting here too. I think I'll need a rest day soon anyway. My knee is feeling much better today, but I'm still trying to be extra careful about my form.

    I made it nearly all the way through the strength training in the 3rd circuit without a break today! I had a couple moments where I left my arms down for one pump here and there, but that's it! Major progress for me!!

    Still totally shot for the cardio and abs on that level, though. WHY does it all have to be in plank? The rest of my body/spirit is willing, but my shoulders have had it by that point. I'm keeping at it, though. I hope I can do it all by the end.

    Today was a tough day to get out of bed. I almost made it a rest day, but forced myself up and out. Even starting the workout, I thought maybe I'll just do the beginning and not count this as a full "day." I really think this level flies by, though. Once I was finished, I was so glad I had done it! So much of being fit is the mental challenge of it. It's not so hard to do any of this, it's just the challenge of being consistent that always gets me down.

    Awesome job hanging in there! You have good reason to be proud. When I think of how far I have to go to get to my goal and how many times I've given up before, makes me wonder sometimes if I can keep it up this time. You're right, so much of the challenge is mental. But I guess we've gotta take it one day at a time - and today, you CONQUERED!
    :drinker: A water toast to you!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Awesome job hanging in there! You have good reason to be proud. When I think of how far I have to go to get to my goal and how many times I've given up before, makes me wonder sometimes if I can keep it up this time. You're right, so much of the challenge is mental. But I guess we've gotta take it one day at a time - and today, you CONQUERED!
    :drinker: A water toast to you!

    Thank you!! Try not to think about how far you are from your goal, and instead think of how far we've come!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Wow. So I finished day 3 of level 2 today. Wowie! I find I'm able to push myself ever so much harder each day. I practically touching the floor on some of my squats now! I push so hard the first round of v raises and military presses that the 2nd round, I hestitated on some of the presses, and had to drop the weights the first have of the v raises. But, those walking push ups... I'm like oh yeah, I got this. Even if I have to bend my knees a little to get down. LOL. Still can't touch my toes. But I do full push ups each time. And, I'm pretty sure I'm sitting much lower than Natalie.... Cheater. Seriously. I get so mad watching her. LOL. I'm like get your butt down! I'm doing this!!! HA!

    I still can't do the thrusts? The first cardio where you plank and jump both legs in... I can do 5/6 then have to switch to mountain climbers. 2 more days, and we are HALF WAY THROUGH! WOOT WOOT!
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    Wowie indeed! And I completely agree that it is getting (a tinge) easier every day. Just like you jbuc07 I made myself do every shoulder press and v-raise in the first half of the last circuit and it felt amazing! ...but then I definitely struggled to make it through the second set lol. And just like you I also do fast mountain climbers for the second round of the first circuit cardio.

    I'm confident we'll breeze through these in a few days :)
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Lol jbuc07! Natalie is the worst cheater! I love it when Jillian calls her out on that one set of squats. haha :devil:
  • germanveg
    I just finished Day 13. I do not like Level 2 (just not a fan of planks!) and put it off until after 11 p.m. today :o