I fell off the wagon after 9 days

Ya...I fell off the wagon today. BAD! I did put in all my food to the diary, and what stared me back in the face was the reality of why I am so freaking huge in the first place. UGH! I know, tomorrow is another day. However, I cannot sleep and that will make it that much more difficult to get back on track tomorrow. Feeling frustrated


  • noregretexperiment
    noregretexperiment Posts: 11 Member
    I know what your going through. Food addiction is a real freaking thing. The only difficulty is that we cant swear off food the way other addicts can swear off their addictions totally. The best thing to do is log your slip up so that you can see what your doing to yourself, and you did that. It will help you the next time you have the craving to gorge yourself. You'll remember what it looks like. Chin up friend, press on and feel free to send me a friend request. Accountability is key especially for us :).
  • lindseydavis07
    lindseydavis07 Posts: 64 Member
    Those days are hard... trust me I know!! I have tried to get into that habit of pre-logging everything so I know if I am going have any extra calories during the day.... If I know I want a treat that day I log it before I eat it to make sure it’s actually worth it! 9 times out of 10 I end up deciding it’s not and I don't eat it :) I have used MFP to change the way I think about food and it has helped tremendously!! I cringe knowing what I was eating before.. One day I logged what I used to eat and was shocked!! :) Feel free to add me! and you got this!! :) Take one day at a time!!

  • AmethystEFC
    AmethystEFC Posts: 140 Member
    I know what your going through. Food addiction is a real freaking thing. The only difficulty is that we cant swear off food the way other addicts can swear off their addictions totally. The best thing to do is log your slip up so that you can see what your doing to yourself, and you did that. It will help you the next time you have the craving to gorge yourself. You'll remember what it looks like. Chin up friend, press on and feel free to send me a friend request. Accountability is key especially for us :).

    Just like was said above, unlike other addictions we can't just stop eating! Imagine how many alcoholics could give up if you told them that they had to stop drinking to excess... oh but you have to drink a few times a day to live...

    Just wouldn't happen. You didn't fall off the wagon, you just walked beside it for a day before climbing back on.
  • emmerin78
    emmerin78 Posts: 311 Member
    I once saw an interview with Elton John (I think it may have been on Oprah) talking about the various addictions he's battled. She asked him what the hardest one to overcome was, and without missing a beat his response was "food" for precisely the reason mentioned: you can live perfectly well without drinking, smoking, or using drugs, but you have to eat to live.

    You've taken the first and most important step for any addict: admitting you have a problem and need help. We're all here for the same reason, and I would be shocked if there's even one among us who has never fallen off the wagon for a day (or a week...or a month...or a....). As they say, it's not how you fall but how you get back up that's important. What I'm reading in your post is the strength of someone who knows what they want and is willing to pick themselves up from a mistake to get there. It's all about persistence, not perfection.

    Force yourself to get some sleep tonight (so that you can't use not having enough sleep as an excuse to make the wrong decisions tomorrow ;) and remember that we are always here when you need us. Get out there and make it happen - you will not fail.
  • stephsalem
    stephsalem Posts: 3 Member
    Thank you guys for the words of encouragement. It really does help to know that I am not alone. I am back on track and feeling determined.