
EplusThree Posts: 47 Member
Am I the ONLY one who thinks that Infinite was WAY overrated and that the original Bioshock was far more deserving of the praise?


  • GeekdGirl
    GeekdGirl Posts: 218 Member
    No, you're not! The original Bioshock, in my opinion, was the best (and ranks as one of my top 5 games!). Infinite was overrated. They should have kept to the feel of the first game.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I'm still playing the original, have yet to play BS2 or Infinite (though I own them). Loving the original! Hopefully, while the sequels sound to be lacking, I'll enjoy them well enough.
  • Zomoniac
    Zomoniac Posts: 1,169 Member
    I thought the first one was by a considerable distance the most overrated FPS of the generation, didn't even bother with 2, and thought Infinite was a work of art.
  • DrFlave
    DrFlave Posts: 59 Member
    I thought Infinite was excellent. The gameplay was fun, the story held my attention and the graphics were incredible. I played Bioshock 1 after it and just couldn't get 'into' it for some reason. I haven't tried 2 yet.
  • SunOfMan
    SunOfMan Posts: 67 Member
    I really enjoyed Infinite but 1 & 2 were amazing games. I much prefer Rapture over Columbia as a setting and I think the whole vibe of the first 2 games was much more engrossing and creepy (in a good way!).

    I'd say Bioshock 1 & 2 are up there in my list of all time favourite games to be honest.
  • Bioshock will always be the best of the 3. I even got a banner tattooed on me I loved it so much! Not to say the other games weren't great but you can't just can't beat the suspense and the twists in the first one!
  • oOoNICKIoOo
    oOoNICKIoOo Posts: 107 Member
    I'm in the process of playing the game right now. I asked for it for Christmas because everyone was raving about how good it was. I will admit that the game looks beautiful , but overall I think the gameplay isn't all the exciting. I'm definitely a little disappointed. It just feels very linear to me.

    Also, as I'm playing it, I feel like I haven't come to any really challenging parts yet. Obviously, I'm not through with the game yet, but it feels like I'm just being led through this world and I don't need to try very hard to keep going. They almost baby you. Not sure if anyone else agrees? That's just the feeling I've gotten so far.

    In general, I feel like video games are no where near as hard as they used to be. It seems like companies want everyone to be able to play their games (not just hardcore gamers). Ultimately, this leaves the ones who are looking for a challenge very disappointed...
  • MurderMonroe
    MurderMonroe Posts: 21 Member
    I thought Bioshock Infinite was amazing. It's the third installment in the series so a slight overhaul is fine.
  • Crateria_
    Crateria_ Posts: 253 Member
    I enjoyed Bioshock Infinite very much, but the first one will always be legendary to me.
  • Asheea
    Asheea Posts: 211 Member
    DH and I just got this as a free game on PSN. I love the story line but I don't like 1st person shooters. If I could zoom out like in Skyrim to 3rd person I'd be on this game so fast. Just can't get past the 1st person thing. I'm weird like that. DH has totally loved it and while I can't play in 1st person, I do like to watch him play. :)
  • Well, this sucks...

    Not mentioned in this article was that the BioShock IP moves over to 2K Games, who may or may not capitalize on the franchise sometime in the future. In any event, I have serious reservations whether a new BioShock title will have the same impact without Ken Levine leading the project. Time will tell.
  • Loved Bioshock one and 2. I bought Infinite on Steam and haven't played it yet. I seem to have that trouble with steam. I buy a lot of games on sale, then I never get around to playing them lol.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    Well I missed out on BS1 & 2 when they first came out. BS:I was my first experience in that game-verse and I absolutely loved it. I enjoyed the gameplay, story, graphics, etc...

    I tried to play the first two but just couldn't :( I heard they were amazing.