Once upon a time. A long time ago....

Once upon a time, a long time ago I was able to eat a double cheese burger while wearing a bikini.
Now I wear sweats and sneak the scraps off of my kids plate.

I use to use the bathroom all by myself,
now my bathroom has an open door policy.

I used to wear makeup and dress in style everyday,
now i'm lucky I get a shower.

If I wanted to go some where I would get up and go,
now I must drag a bag of luggage full of kid stuff before I walk out the door.

I used to go on hot steamy dates
now any dates i have with my husband always include a trip to the grocery store. (rare to grocery shop without lil ones).

After all these changes i'm still the happiest I have ever been in my life. My life once had no meaning. I love the hectic schedule, mystery dirt, and unexpected school projects. It keeps me on my toes!
What has changed in your life since becoming a mom?


  • wen001bro
    wen001bro Posts: 131 Member
    That was lovely! And described my life to a T! I can add it's changed my thought process as well..before I make any decision that could change my life, routine, house, etc. I think is this good for my boys?
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    That is really nice it will make me think twice before I lose patience with my kids.