Harvard Research's 5 reasons for physical activity

•Physical activity increases people’s total energy expenditure, which can help them stay in energy balance or even lose weight, as long as they don’t eat more to compensate for the extra calories they burn.
•Physical activity decreases fat around the waist and total body fat, slowing the development of abdominal obesity.
•Weight lifting, push-ups, and other muscle-strengthening activities build muscle mass, increasing the energy that the body burns throughout the day—even when it’s at rest—and making it easier to control weight.
•Physical activity reduces depression and anxiety, (3) and this mood boost may motivate people to stick with their exercise regimens over time.

The Bottom Line: For Weight Control, Aim for an Hour of Activity a Day

(Annette): do we all agree that an hour a day would do the trick?
I personally think just walking doesn't cut it. But if we exercised hard for an hour a day----imagine what could happen!?