October 2014 BABY!

athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
Hey ladies! I've been a part of the group for a while...not posting, but knowing that I'd be pregnant soon. Well, I got my BFP last Friday! Due date is October 6. I started a new phase of my lifting program so I'm back to 4 day splits. I plan on keeping it up as I get further along...obviously listening to my body. :)

Planning a homebirth and meeting with midwives this week. :)

Anyone else?


  • MadBabysMama
    MadBabysMama Posts: 373 Member
    Congrats very exciting!
  • CrystaLight74
    So excited for you!!!
  • AppleGrapeMSTK
    AppleGrapeMSTK Posts: 16 Member
    October 15th, for me! I was working with a reproductive endocrinologist to get pregnant, but I actually got pregnant on my own this cycle, so I'll have to wait until I here from her to know if I should move on to a OB or stick with the RE for a bit. I attribute getting pregnant to getting more active and watching what I eat. That 15lb weight loss MUST have helped because I have been trying to get pregnant for 20 months now.

    I bumped my calories to maintenance, and I'll keep walking 30 minutes a day until a doctor tells me otherwise.
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    Congrats ladies!
    October 7th for me, I only found out on Sunday and have a doctors appointment tomorrow :) I have lost 40kgs over the last 18months and am going to need to keep using MFP to make sure I don't eat more than I need to.
    I wont be adjusting my calories on here until I speak to the doctor ...
    I'm so nervous and excited. This will be my first pregnancy.
  • Leebett
    Leebett Posts: 238 Member
    I'm due October 3rd! After losing 65lbs in 7 months. My RE told me not to lose anymore weight. I still have a long way to go until goal, but it's not about me! I have successfully managed to maintain the past 2 weeks with 1-3lbs of weight fluctuation. I'm happy with that. Starting back with yoga tomorrow! We have been trying for 3 years and I was right, it was all about my weight.

    Fingers crossed ladies!
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    Hey everyone,

    Jus wondering if anyone has any symptoms yet? I had sore boobs but I woke up today and felt normal ... I'm so scared of miscarriage and having that one symptom was reassuring. Especially because I don't get my first scan until 12 weeks. How does everyone else feel? How do you ignore the worry?
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member

    I am due either October 8th or 10th. So not very far behind you. This is number 5 for me. Just hoping to have a healthy pregnancy.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    Really no symptoms yet except for being tired and peeing more.

    I'm still trying to find a doctor. So not sure when I will get in.
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Congrats! I had my first baby in Oct 2012 :)
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    Just got my BFP on Friday. I'm due October 20th. Setting up a tour at the birthing center and then will schedule my first prenatal appt. My husband and I are over the moon!
  • athenalove46
    athenalove46 Posts: 182 Member
    Congrats to you ladies! This is going to be a fun journey. I have never kept up with diet/exercise during any of my pregnancies. I'm curious as to how it'll help the whole pregnancy and labor and bouncing back after.

    I'm *trying* to keep my calories at maintenance, but the past few days have made it difficult. I never got morning sickness with ANY of my other 4 pregnancies. I always got the extreme hunger! Well, I'm thinking this pregnancy is going to be completely different cause I almost puked in the sink this morning while making breakfast. And I couldn't even stomach what I made. Ha! Not so good. I've been making good choices focusing on protein when I can, but man, I can't wait until I can get back to a normalish feeling when it comes to food!

    As far as that goes, my bbs are a little sore, but nothing like I've experienced in other pregnancies, and I have to go to bed about 8 at night, but so far not falling asleep standing. I'm 6 weeks today too. :)
  • JCHH88
    JCHH88 Posts: 37 Member
    6 weeks today :) ... still have to wait until the 19th to get my blood test results back and get a referral for a midwife consult. Another 6 weeks until I get a scan, to check for the heartbeat and abnormalities, it is going to take forever.
  • reshapingmylife
    Hey! I'm due October 10th. Last time I was pregnant, I started out 30 pounds lighter than I am now. So I would like to work to maintain my weight, which obviously means losing in the beginning. I don't have morning sickness so it's not just going to happen naturally. (I didn't have any morning sickness in my 1st pregnancy either).
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Congrats all- I am due the 12th- # 5 for us all girls so far- maybe a boy this time ?
  • reshapingmylife
    I'm hoping for a girl! My first was a boy. :)
  • reshapingmylife
    Well, he still is a boy. LOL
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    SO how are we all feeling today ??

    are you still working out??
    What are you changing ??

    still working out myself- i am not going to PUSH as hard and listen to my body & continue to track my food trying to eat healthy
  • katey_my_lady
    katey_my_lady Posts: 81 Member
    I'm feeling good! I'm only in my fifth week though. I find I get slightly more winded and tired when I work out, so I've just been listening to my body but not changing much else. Aiming for 30-45 minutes of exercise 5/days a week, plus a long walk on the weekend.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    My first appointment is February 25th at 7:30 a.m. I had to switch hospitals due to different insurance so I am back with the same doctor that delivered my first child. I have my nurses visit, lab work, ultrasound, and then the visit with the doctor. All in one day. Might be about a 3 hour appointment. I will be almost 8 weeks along. I picked up some prenatal vitamins as well a few days ago. I had been using the normal multi vitamins we had here but I needed to switch.
  • jmcreynolds91
    jmcreynolds91 Posts: 777 Member
    Hi everyone! Due October 15th! Anyone can add me, as I would like to have some pregnant friends who r healthy!