Realistic Weight Loss Per Month

Hi There,

I am a newbie in the world of the SLEEVE but I am not a newbie when it comes to having WLS. I had the Realize Band back in 2009 and removal 2.5 years later. The CRAPBAND almost killed me. :explode: Anyway.... I was sleeved November 18th 2013. I am trying to keep my mind together on being realistic on the weight loss per month journey. I know I should not compare myself to others thought. I just want an idea of how others are doing.

By the way, I am conducting the following:
Calories - 650 to 700
Protein - 60 to 70
Carbs - 20 to 35 (Most come from VITAMINS - Gummies):noway:
Fluid - 55 to 65 (Yeah this part is a work in progress)
Work out -
Cardio - 45 minutes (3x a week)
Strength Training - (2x a week with a personal trainer)


Feel free to add me if you would like!!! :smile:


  • teachren

    I'm 8 months out and I started around where you did so maybe our situations will be similar. I'm 5'7, 43 (ouch..old), and was 307 at the beginning...285 after a pretty rigorous pre-op diet the day of surgery May 13, 2013.

    My diet is pretty on target with you...try to stay around 650 cals...under 40 carbs...80 protein and about 20 fat. For about the first 6 months I was according to MFP stats closer to around 25 carbs...and I think that was the key. As I have neared my goal I have let the occasional alcoholic drink, piece of fancy bread, or dessert back in and my carbs have spiked a number of days...or weeks! :-)

    For my first 6 months I hit a few expected plateaus but the first couple months lost about 20 a month...then down to about 15 in a couple and now I am running around 8-10 a month the last 2 months.

    The farther out I have gotten from surgery the more exercise I have done...I try to be in the gym doing weights or cardio (intense step or high impact aerobics) 3-4 times a week. I"m from Canada so my walking has slowed down (It's friggin cold -25 degrees C today alone!) but once it thaws I will amp that back up again.

    I am now about 8 pounds from my original personal goal of 170 but I'm going to give it a shot to make it to 160 before I consider myself in maintenance.

    That's my story...

    Good luck...

  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Sleeved 11-20-13. Have lost 52 lbs. My calories are around 750, my carbs are from 30-80 but not from potato or ground grain. I do eat a tofu pasta (shirataki) but it only has 4 carbs and I portion control. I lose about a lb every 5 days now. I am hoping to be under 200 by friday
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    Sounds like you are right on target but NET calories more important than calories consumed. MFP calculates the net by adding exercise calories back into your daily goal. At around 2 months I was eating between 1,000 and 1,300 per day and averaged 500-700 remaining calories at the end of each day (vs. goal).

    What does this mean? It means my daily calorie burn deficit was around 1,700 per day (1,000 calculated by MFP as a daily goal plus the exercise). The 1,000 equates to a two pound weekly weigh loss in MFP, the remaining means I excedded my goal. My average weekly loss since surgery has been around 7 lbs. Much more in the beginning and closer to 4 lbs now.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    *** Also please remember that the strength training will add muscle whch is heavier than fat. Track your inches lost since the number on the scale will reduce at a slower rate while your fitness increases.