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Hello All,
Weight lost Challenge is coming together. We have the opportunity for Cheryl Vanity W to have the official location in Norcross, Ga


Nutrition: You will learn everything you need to know about losing weight and how to keep it

off during our nutrition classes. You will get important information from the week's

weight loss topic and a personal coach who’s there to help and motivate you.

Meetings are an opportunity to get expert advice, share helpful information - or just

listen and gain support from other people in the challenge.

Fitness: Your group will have the option to participate in one of the following group fitness


 Latin Cardio

 Caribbean’Robics

 Cardio Kickboxing

 Boot camp

*please visit our website for class descriptions

The weekly meetings will last for an hour and thirty minutes with the first 30 minutesfocusing

on the nutrition class, a 45 minute workout and the last 15 minutesfor personal health



As a member of the WLC, you will receive weekly personal coaching from a member of

the Metro Atlanta Fitness wellness team. Coaching consists of the following:

Health Evaluation: BMI, Body Fat (%), Water Weight (%) and Measurements taken along with an

assessment of any health conditions and daily eating habits.

Nutrition Recommendation: overview of healthy protein, carbohydrates and fats to consume in

your daily diet.

Nutrition Plan: overview of specific foods to consume daily per a caloric intake evaluation.


We know that nutrition and fitness go hand in hand to maximize your workout and reach

your goals effectively. During weekly meetings, we offer an optional and affordable nutritional

upgrade. In addition, all participants will be offered a VIP discount membership to purchase

products. We provide weight management, digestive health, stress management, immune

solutions, heart health, healthy aging, energy and fitness and personal care products for all ages.

$50/per person/ 12 week session


Participants will be weighed at the start of the challenge and every week thereafter. For

any weight gained, participants will have to pay $1 per pound in which that money will be put

into a pot for the winner with the most weight lost. This goes over really well at keeping

participants on track.

Also a Team effort

This is an 12-Week Challenge that starts on 02/01/2014

-There is a weekly point calendar for each of the 8 weeks
-Beginning on Week #2 there is a double point challenge (highlighted in yellow)
-You can exercise each day, but you will only receive points for exercising 5 days a week.
-You can choose to not each sugar/treats each day, but you will only receive points for not eating sugar on 6 days (everyone needs a free
-There is a sample food journal that you can use or you can use your own kind of food journal to keep track of what you eat. ( use my fitness pal)
-Weight yourself anytime each Sunday and tally up all points by 9 PM. Make sure that you weight yourself under the same
circumstances each week (for example: Morning/Night, Empty/Full stomach)
-Choose someone in your challenge who will be the one you send a weekly email/text to with your totally weekly points and totally
weight loss points for the week. They will have to keep track of everyone’s points and then have them send out an email or text with
everyone’s standings on Mondays. We said that all points had to be emailed/texted by midnight on Sunday. If you didn’t send an email/text
by that time, you received no points for that week. So each week you will send in 3 numbers: Your weekly points, you weight lost for the
week, and your total points for that week.
-Daily contact with teammate: It’s amazing the strength that comes from encouragement from your teammates! We said that you could
email, call, or text someone on your team to encourage them to have a healthy day. It helps knowing that you are all in this together and
makes you accountable for what you do or don’t do.
-Example of weight loss points: You will get 5 points for maintaining your lowest previous weight AND 10 points for each whole pound.
For instance, if you gained weight, you will report 0 points AND you don’t get any weight loss OR maintenance points in future weeks until
you return to the lowest weight you had already achieved. If you maintained your previous lowest weight, you report 5 points. If you lost 1
pound, you would get 5 points for maintaining plus 10 points for that pound, so you would report 15 points.

-Cash prize money will be divided equally between the person who loses the largest percentage of weight and the person who has the most
total weekly points