New to Group

Krys801 Posts: 9 Member
Hello my name is Krystal and I just had my first child. I gained a good 30 lbs with this pregnancy and I feel like I cannot lose it. I am hoping to find some great motivation partners and keep on track to at least get rid of the little pudge in the center of my body. 150 by the end of this year is my target and I am 199 right now, I know I can do this :)


  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Hi Krystal, We have the same goals - 170lb by the summer and 150lb by Christmas is what I'm working towards. I'll add you :smile:
  • mojisha
    mojisha Posts: 36 Member
  • kerryjenkinson78
    kerryjenkinson78 Posts: 5 Member
    I am new to this too. Have been on MFP for about 3 weeks.
    My baby was born in October 2013. I am aiming to be down to 72kg (I think that's about 158lb) by June
    then who knows from there.
    I would love some people to support me & vice versa along the way :-)