Progress Report!

Hey guys it doesn't seem like anyone has posted in a couple of days how is everyone doing! I have made progress towards my goal have you? Share how much to keep everyone motivated!


  • Suezyq47
    Suezyq47 Posts: 199 Member
    Well January went well for me for the first 3 weeks and then I messed up the last week and gained back the couple lbs I had lost in January. I will do better in February and would like to lose at least 6 lbs lost to get under 220 lbs and another inch off my waist????

    Here are my stats:

    SW: 244.2 lbs
    CW: 225.0 lbs
    GW (Feb 28): 219.0 lbs
    Current waist: 35.0"
    Goal waist: 34.0"

    Feb 1: 225.0 lbs
    Feb 8:
    Feb 15:
    Feb 22:
    Feb 28:
  • January went well lost 7lbs! I signed up at the gym simply cos its too cold to run outside. So in the month of Feb I will focus on adding exercise. Im hoping with exercise I can lose another 7 to 10lbs! I still eat 1200 calories. And have 1 splurge day.
  • January was a pretty good month for me - I stayed at 1200 net calories and used my treadmill almost every day! By doing this I was able to lose 10.6 lbs!! This month I wanted to "step it up" a bit so I am started Shaun T's T25. I am hoping to lose at least the same as I did in January as this program is pretty intense. My goal is to work a little harder each month so I do not see my usual plateau - I get to about 170 and its hard to break that barrier to get into the 160's - when that happens I usually lose my motivation! :(

    10.6 DOWN - currently 180.2
    40.2 to go - GOAL 140!
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    for january and last week of feb. i have lost 2.5 lbs. i started MFP in january. my goal for feb. is to lose 5 lbs.
  • Hi- still alive and kicking. Lost 12 pounds in the past 5 weeks since starting. This month I'm focusing on upping exercise.:drinker:
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    i just gained 4 lbs i weighed in today! i need to only eat out once a week. not eating out is very hard for me! i need to cook my meals at home expect for having one day a week and eat out. i have walked on the treadmill 3 days in a row and i want
    to plan on doing the treadmill every week 5 out of 7 days.
  • sallyrees40
    sallyrees40 Posts: 4 Member
    After 2 weeks of calorie counting (1230 allowance) and swimming every weekday lost not a sausage! And I do Pilates twice a week. I'm Gutted! I feel better for my swims though, and my other half and I have now started the 5:2 so perhaps that will kick-start some loss of poundage. Am not sure whether I should eat back the 280 cals burned from swimming - some days I do and some I don't. Next weigh-in is Saturday so fingers-crossed for a better result.
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    i reweighed today and lost 2.4 lbs! :)
  • Last time I checked in I was down 10.6 lbs at the end of January - right now I am currently down 14 lbs! I started T25 and after week 1 and some horrible weather here in Missouri I ended up with a sinus infection that made it nearly impossible to have to energy to put into these workouts - I am starting over with week 1 today and I am hoping to lose 10lbs in the first 4 weeks on this program.
  • musicfan4life30
    musicfan4life30 Posts: 543 Member
    i just lost .4 lbs this week. so in total i have lost 2.8 lbs in total on MFP.