Low Blood sugar, 2.5 weeks in, feeling very tired, close?!

Hello! I'm an aerobics instructor (I teach 11-15 classes per week) and I train weights (heavy) on my own. I'm trying to compete in a Figure competition and saw such amazing results online but after almost three weeks, I'm seriously running out of gas. Mom of three under the age of 5, I'm up for my first class every M-F by 4am (first class is at 5am so there's no avoiding that!) and I'm only maintaining my 140lbs on my small 5'2" frame. I'm muscular. Around 15% body fat but I'm in a big hurry to get it down to 8-10% by April for the competition. I'm worried I've made the wrong diet choice?

The first few days I felt fabulous and since around day 5 I've been getting more tired and my irritability is not good. I bought keto stir four days ago and almost ate a freaking sweet potato after I tested negative to a trace for two days straight. Uggggh. I KNOW everyone says don't go by the sticks but I was convinced Id be more motivated if I saw purple. Instead I was horribly upset. I did NOT reach for carbs though! I've held strong and for 2.5 weeks have held a 70-80% fat, 20-25% protein, and 5-10% carb plan. I'm waiting for my magical keto adapted self to appear but I hear it's anywhere in the 3-6week mark. Is this true for all of you?

After the keto stick debacle I hopped online and ordered a Precision ketone meter. Of COURSE it came yesterday and much to my dismay I had selected the blood glucose strips not the ketone strips, grrrrr.

So I tested my blood glucose and last night, two hours after eating, it read 55mg/dl. This morning after fasted cardio it was 53mg/dl and this afternoon thirty minutes after eating (1oz peanuts) it was 77mg/dl. I ate again (egg yolks, bacon, and coconut oil) and it just read 86.

I can't find any material about that being okay levels. All info I find is either conflicting, or I can't find an answer. Is this good or bad? Am I on my way to keto adaptation yet?!?

I really appreciate your input!