depression & sleeping

Depression is a medical condition with symptoms of low appetite, sleep disorder, weight changes, chronic sadness and loss of pleasure. Severe forms of depression can include sleeping all day.

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  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I find that it helps to take the best advantage of the times when I feel good and motivated... instead of staying in depressed habits, at those times I try to exploit and expand doing things which increase my strength towards my goals. When I feel good enough (not so depressed) to do something- instead of remaining in a stagnant way of living, I use that energy to do something that will best boost my mood. Exercising is the best for me, it helps to keep depression at bay for longer and longer periods of time.

    Thanks for creating this group.
  • Jezebel9
    Jezebel9 Posts: 396 Member
    I have been through many bouts of being very depressed, and then not being depressed. I have had Seasonal Affective Disorder, which turned into just plain ole depression 24/7. I realized that the feeling of gratitude is something that I could not really feel when I was very depressed. I could say the words, but the feeling was not there. I did not feel grateful for anything, because everything was wrong, painful, broken, grey. I am somewhat convinced now that the feeling of gratitude is on the list of goodfeelings that are mostly excluded from those who are experiencing depression. Other goodfeelings are like: excitement, joyful anticipation, curiosity, creativity, a sense of adventure... things like that. So, it somewhat irks me when people say to a person who is experiencing severe depression, "You should just be grateful for all you have." It sort of feels like they are saying, 'you should just be happy'. 'Happy' is a chemical in my brain... as is gratitude. I am grateful to be able to feel it here and now. If you can't feel it, I understand and don't hold it against you.
    Also... it seems like no one else is posting in this group. This strikes me as a little sad and twisted-funny at the same time. I know that depressed people do not want to engage in things much of the time... so- I guess it makes sense that there isn't much posting going on. duh! lol!