Level 3 Day 1!!!!

jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
Wow... She's not playing around this level!! LOL! By the end of the mountain climbers, I'm struggling to keep my legs going! And punches, with weights?! Or the jumping jacks with weight.... She's nuts!! LOL. But in a good way. Supermans... Not sure how I feel about these yet.... Walking push ups. Wow.. Those are hard! I did the advanced version the first round, then I could only do 1 the second, and had to finish on my knees.
I also don't think I'll ever do double jumps. LOL. All in all, great work out!!! We are on the home stretch now!!! WOO! T-9 and counting!!!


  • calicutie05
    calicutie05 Posts: 74 Member
    Today was tough. I'm right there with you... i need to put something under my elbows for this level... im on tile and it wasnt fun...
    this first round i took a lot of breaks... i liked the circuit though... it was tough but i know i will get stronger with it.
    Supermans were definitely a break for me- not that difficult
    And walking pushups- im not sure if you are supposed to do regular pushups just moving side to side or if one hand should go back a bit to the side?! - it looks like her hand goes back.
    Glad we are in the home stretch T-9 days!!!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Today was tough. I'm right there with you... i need to put something under my elbows for this level... im on tile and it wasnt fun...
    this first round i took a lot of breaks... i liked the circuit though... it was tough but i know i will get stronger with it.
    Supermans were definitely a break for me- not that difficult
    And walking pushups- im not sure if you are supposed to do regular pushups just moving side to side or if one hand should go back a bit to the side?! - it looks like her hand goes back.
    Glad we are in the home stretch T-9 days!!!

    I angled my arms a bit. I sure did feel it!! And those moving planks! YIKES! I had a sweatshirt, and pulled the sleeves down for that move. I think tomorrow I'll get my Couldn't imagine on tile. Try putting down a towel if you don't have a mat..
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Oh, the scissor kicks!!! Were your abs just on fire after that circuit??! LOL
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    Your posts are making me excited for Level 3! ...alas I still have one more round of Level 2 to go. Looking forward to being a superman AND a rockstar right alongside you tomorrow :)
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    YIKES!! I start tomorrow... More than a little bit scared, lol.
  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    I'll have to start with you tomorrow TseliB...I was foiled again by the snow today! But I thought I would share a few pics, just to let you know I haven't been slacking off lol

    My beautifully shovelled (if I do say so myself) driveway - thanks to all the muscles gained by Jillian and your support:

    Me by my snowbank...it's taller than me now!

    ...and then I got to work. Note that my office is not in the basement but rather on the ground/first floor!

    Have a great wintery day wherever you are :)
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    I don't start L3 yet, but I tried a few moves from L3 yesterday and am super nervous. I can't do situps. Not even the Anita version! Anyone have tips? I'm 180 +/- pounds and my stomach is my worst body area, (thanks to 3 huge babies and 3 c-sections, last one in March 2013) so I'm really trying. I bought a thicker mat so my tailbone wouldn't feel like its grinding into the ground but it didn't help. If anyone has tips, I'm sure I'll be back to post my complete feeling of failure when I try the whole thing at speed. YIKES!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    Y'all are scaring me on my rest day! :sad:
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I don't start L3 yet, but I tried a few moves from L3 yesterday and am super nervous. I can't do situps. Not even the Anita version! Anyone have tips? I'm 180 +/- pounds and my stomach is my worst body area, (thanks to 3 huge babies and 3 c-sections, last one in March 2013) so I'm really trying. I bought a thicker mat so my tailbone wouldn't feel like its grinding into the ground but it didn't help. If anyone has tips, I'm sure I'll be back to post my complete feeling of failure when I try the whole thing at speed. YIKES!
    I do the anita version on sit ups LOL! try putting a pillow under your bottom. I used to have to do that. Some days I feel like I should still! LOL. See if that helps though.
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I'll have to start with you tomorrow TseliB...I was foiled again by the snow today! But I thought I would share a few pics, just to let you know I haven't been slacking off lol

    My beautifully shovelled (if I do say so myself) driveway - thanks to all the muscles gained by Jillian and your support:

    Me by my snowbank...it's taller than me now!

    ...and then I got to work. Note that my office is not in the basement but rather on the ground/first floor!

    Have a great wintery day wherever you are :)

    That's a lot of snow!! LOL. I'd take a "rest" day too! Good job on getting that snow all shoveled tho!
  • calicutie05
    calicutie05 Posts: 74 Member
    holy smokes with that snow!! I'm in NY and we've gotten snow but nothing crazy like that. Great job with the shoveling!!

    I'm happy to report that Day 2 of level 3 was MUCH better.. I wont say easier persay but i felt really strong... Still took breaks but it was a really good workout.

    Dont be nervous ladies!! this is where all the results come from!!!
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Ok. Level 3 day 1! It's no joke. Those travelling push ups - I feel like I'm twisting something in my shoulder. Very uncomfortable. I must be doing something wrong. Sumo squats? Oh my goodness! Didn't have much of a problem with the punches with weights. In fact, I kinda like the adding of weights to cardio, coz I hate cardio so bad... Gives me something else to focus on. But it's early days. I may soon change my tune.

    Let's get it!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    Ok. Level 3 day 1! It's no joke. Those travelling push ups - I feel like I'm twisting something in my shoulder. Very uncomfortable. I must be doing something wrong. Sumo squats? Oh my goodness! Didn't have much of a problem with the punches with weights. In fact, I kinda like the adding of weights to cardio, coz I hate cardio so bad... Gives me something else to focus on. But it's early days. I may soon change my tune.

    Let's get it!

    Maybe you're angling your shoulders too much? Maybe just do regular pushups? You'll still get a good workout! And I liked the sumo squats LOL!
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks, jbuc! I think you're right. I'll give the normal ones a try & maybe 'travel' just a few inches when I'm more comfortable with it.
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    Oh. My. Goodness. OMG. Just seriously, OMG. Let's see the breakdown.
    :happy: I did 18 (Anita) situps, which I didn't think I could do at all, so that's 17 more than expected.
    :embarassed: Traveling Pushups. No joke. I did them girly and was still grunting at that point. My 6 year asked me to stop since they apparently hurt me. I still did them.
    :noway: The plank rows & leg raises. I did the first set up in full plank except the last 2, 2nd round was on my knees but after the traveling pushups, WOW! BURN!
    :frown: Sumo Squats. I'm not flexible enough to keep my toes out. Any tips?
    The rest seemed on paar for Jillian.

    Although I may have hurt more b/c I usually do this in the AM when I'm fresh. I walked 7 miles while baby wearing today and played at the park. Prob *NOT SMART* before this workout lol

    I almost feel like counting tmrw as Day 1 b/c I sucked so bad today.
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    I almost feel like counting tmrw as Day 1 b/c I sucked so bad today.

    I gets better - promise. I just did day 3 and already a MAJOR improvement. I can almost do the whole 20 min with no breaks (a bit slow & mostly doing the Anita versions, but still...) I suspect you're much fitter than me anyway. You'll be loving that level 3 burn in no time! :flowerforyou:
  • S4llyF
    S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
    Well I am way behind - started day 1 of level 3 today as I am not doing it at all over the weekends...

    Oh. My. Goodness.

    Proper situps - I didnt even TRY - I just did crunches...
    The plank rowing with an arm and putting the leg up thing - I couldnt do at all... (that was more a technical lact of coordination matter than strength - although even if I could work out which arm or leg to move, I reckon the physical side would have beat me!!!!)
    The sideways abs things - actually I think Anitas one with a bent leg is HARDER - couldnt do that AT ALL, tried the Natalie version and at least I could do one or 2 of them !!!
  • S4llyF
    S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
    Go Tseli !!!!!! SO encouraged it gets easier :D
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    I gets better - promise. I just did day 3 and already a MAJOR improvement. I can almost do the whole 20 min with no breaks (a bit slow & mostly doing the Anita versions, but still...) I suspect you're much fitter than me anyway. You'll be loving that level 3 burn in no time! :flowerforyou:

    I know it will, but omg it was brutal! Lol. I'll see you at the finish line!!!
  • eep223
    eep223 Posts: 624 Member
    I agree, I just did day 3 today and it was ever so slightly easier. I hate that for two of the exercises, the camera focuses in on Anita before you even see what Natalie is doing. I want to know what I'm *supposed* to be doing before I decide if I'm going to modify it or not! That crunch thing is focused on Anita almost the entire time. I felt like I missed out on an entire move in the first round.

    Those sumo squats are killer!!! They feel so good, but my legs tire out so fast. I feel like I'm going to gain some major strength in my legs if I keep those up!