Random Tidbits for Labor and Post-Partum
Posts: 2,410 Member
So I was reading through the push presents topic and noted that the random facts were welcomed, so thought why not start it's own topic that we can throw things in when we think of it. Hope you all don't mind and that you have a great Thursday!
If your hospital is awesome they will give you mesh underwear which look horrible but are so comfortable to wear. Don't waste your own panties because those first couple of days there will be a lot of blood-think really heavy period. That threw me for such a loop post partum. Pack a couple to take home with you because they really are fantastic those first 3-5 days. Also make sure you purchase the biggest size pads to have at home. Overnights with wings work awesome.
The hospital will provide you with a water bottle to rinse off after going to the bathroom. Feel free to take that home with you and trust me you want to. It is tender for a while and you don't want to be wiping. I would rinse off after going to the bathroom and then blot dry with a washcloth as toliet paper just sticks to the water on your bottom. (Stock up on washcloths or take an old bath towel that you don't mind cutting into squares for that purpose at home. It makes life so much easier!)
Make a 'panty sandwich' as we called it at the hospital. You take your maxi pad and lay out hemorrhoid pads overlapping a little bit and don't be stingy. Make sure the whole thing is covered. Then squirt a line of Dibucaine ointment down the center of the pads. Pull your mesh panties up and enjoy the cool calming comfort to your bottom. The hospital should provide you with the hemorrhoid pads and ointment. When you go home pack those up because you have paid for them and you will use them at home that first week as well.0 -
For those moms who are not going to breastfeed or when you decide to stop and wean baby, this is going to sound crazy but put cabbage leaves in your bra cups. There is something in cabbage that will help to dry you up faster and the coolness of the leaves helps to easy pain from engorgement as you dry up.
If you are going to breastfeed, I purchased cotton reusable breast pads. I really like these better then the disposable because air could get to them and my nipples did not seem as sore. They also have reusable heat/cool packs for breasts and I would suggest packing those in your hospital bag just in case you need them. I had two that were cool that way one was only in the fridge, and then one for heat. Loved them so much!
Also when you nurse, you will not produce a lot of milk during your hospital stay. A lot of first time moms would freak out at the hospital because there was no milk. There won't be that first day and possible even into the second. What you will produce is a dark yellow liquid and there is not a lot of it. But don't worry it is enough to feed your baby.
Also the first poopy diaper is nasty. It is thick, black tar like poop that sticks to their butt like no other. Take vaseline along with you to the hospital or request it. Have the nurse or dad put it on with that first diaper, and then put on with every diaper change and it will help cleaning up those meconium diapers. It can take a few stools before they get all the meconium out of their system.0 -
Yes! Thank you for starting this thread! I'm in learning mode now :glasses:0
What a great thread! Loved everything you said, going to add the little differences I had
COmpletely agree with the mesh underwear. Just do it. I asked for extras to take home. They were horrified that I would rinse these and reuse in the hospital, they told me to throw them out, but they were so thin they dried so fast so I did this at home if they weren't too gross. We have a small garbage can in our bathroom but with the huge pads and everything I kept a thick plastic bag in there (like a Target one that wasn't see through) that way it was easy to toss when full. (Note to self keep lots of target bags over the next few months). The underwear sandwich sounds right, but they didn't give me ointment they gave me a numbing spray. SO I would do pads, layer 2 witch hazel/hemorrhoid pads so it was covered sprayed my numbing spray then pulled up the pants. Bring clothes/wear clothes you don't care if you get blood on. I had black pj pants and other older pants.
I really love the reusable cotton breast pads. I personally loved the ones from https://www.uddercovers.com/cart along with their covers. They usually have a code out there for free stuff (I signed up for e-mails, but you can also google for codes). I think I have two covers from them and 3 packs of their breast pads. I kept a cover in the diaper bag and one for at home when I had company. I bought another type of breast pads but wasn't as fond of them and really didn't like the disposable ones. I bought a pack of 60 with my first and still have like 50 of them. I do keep a spare shirt and the disposable pads and a spare bra in the diaper bag. Too many times I've leaked through or been spit up on, always good to have spare clothes.
Take the stool softeners they give you. Buy a bottle of prune juice. Constipation hadn't been a problem with either 2 first pregnancies, but afterwards you don't want to have to push out anything. I didn't have a bad experience about going because I was really good about taking these. Side note though: too much prune juice and softeners can lead to the opposite problem and you may find you don't make it to the bathroom. Sucks, but at least you're wearing huge pads and you can toss them in the diaper genie with baby's diapers.
I was told olive oil is good for baby's butt when they first come out too. But I wouldn't know. Told my husband we should bring some, but he doesn't think it's a big deal and he's the one that changes them, so whatever. Oh! One thing he told me we HAVE to bring this time: the hospital used dry wipes (like paper towels) that he had to go to the sink and wet and then wipe baby's butt. If he didn't grab enough he had a terrible time. THis time he said to just bring our own wipes. The hospital typically provides diapers in the US from what I've heard, but the wipes may suck. We buy ours at Costco and neither kid has had a reaction to them.
Also going in my diaper bag is a nipple shield. Used it with my first child when he was 5 days old, didn't use it at all with my second, but was nice to have in case. My husband wouldn't let me not bring one after he saw how my son destroyed my boobs.
Ask to take home extra of everything. They sent me home with the opened packages of maternity pads, witch hazel pads, and a can of numbing spray, I asked for an additional of each as a backup and these got me through the first two weeks (not the maternity pads, but the witch hazel and numbing spray). I am usually a wings girl when it comes to pads but with how often I was changing the pads I got a pack of overnight and another of supers without wings. I think I also got a thin pack because after you start tapering off you don't want to feel like you're sitting on a diaper.
Extra clothes for spouse is a good idea for the bag. I was induced and didn't expect to spend 5 days in the hospital, we did not bring enough clothes for my husband (nor do I think you should pack for a week for him! BUt really, you don't need a lot of clothes) so he had to run home a few times. Summer is warm and they keep the rooms fairly warm for mom and baby, so he got hot and sweated and appreciated clean shirts. Also the baby pooped on him (and me at some point, but hospital clothes they just give you a clean one). I think we packed gym shorts too for him just in case.
Oh! My feet were not swollen my entire pregnancy with my first. But coming out of the hospital (with all the fluids and trials of labor) they were HUGE! They couldn't fit in the shoes I had worn in! I had to wear slippers or something home. So bring something you can wear if your feet and ankles are twice their normal size (maybe flip flops, but these aren't very supportive, but you probably wont be walking much anyway).0 -
Big note for the hospital anything is opened or brought into your room, etc is yours. You have paid for it and they will just toss it when you leave if you don't take it. Our hospital has a wash basin that they would do the baby's sponge bath with as I requested that baths happen in my room and not the nursery. I took that to use at home. The baby soap, lotion, wipes, diapers, if you have a boy and decide to circumcise the cream (vaseline at my hospital) and gauze pads they put on the penis, alcohol drop bottle for the cord to dry it out, and also check with your nurse the day you leave. She'll let you know what you can take.0
Not sure if it was from being catheterized with my epidural, but I lost all bladder sensation for about a month and constantly peed my pants. I had to set a reminder on my phone to go every 1.5 - 2 hours. It was crazy! Like literally, didn't feel anything and thought, oh I'd better go... I'd stand up and bam it all came out. Sorry if that's TMI but that's the one thing I didn't expect after delivery, LOL.0
Also when you nurse, you will not produce a lot of milk during your hospital stay. A lot of first time moms would freak out at the hospital because there was no milk. There won't be that first day and possible even into the second. What you will produce is a dark yellow liquid and there is not a lot of it. But don't worry it is enough to feed your baby.
My milk didn't come in until Day 5, it was all colostrum up until that point!0 -
Not sure if it was from being catheterized with my epidural, but I lost all bladder sensation for about a month and constantly peed my pants. I had to set a reminder on my phone to go every 1.5 - 2 hours. It was crazy! Like literally, didn't feel anything and thought, oh I'd better go... I'd stand up and bam it all came out. Sorry if that's TMI but that's the one thing I didn't expect after delivery, LOL.
After having kids NOTHING seems like TMI anymore... I don't know if that's good or bad. That must have been scary/annoying for you! How did it go back to normal? I had a catheter with both of mine since I had epidurals but luckily that didn't happen to me. The stitches from tearing made me cry literally everyday for 2 weeks. My husband just told me to cry if I needed to as much as I wanted. Come to think of it I am an emotional mess after birth. Huh, this should be fun again. Was it little enough amount of pee you could just wear pads?
Also piggybacking on the milk I think mine came in day 3 with both of them. And they say when it comes in you'll know. I certainly did! My boobs were HUGE and hard as rocks! I had a strong let down and both of my kids would pop off once they got the milk flowing and try to get away from it! lol, poor little ones I just ended up spraying them all over the face and drenching them until I could convince them it was ok to latch again (sometimes I'd press a breast pad to my nipple to slow it down a bit so they weren't as overwhelmed...and to keep from getting the couch and myself).0 -
Yes the milk spray!!! It gets everywhere. If you have not already purchased a waterproof cover for your bed just in case your water breaks while you are sleeping, just go ahead and get one for nursing. I would wake up drenched sometimes as my other boob would leak something fierce those first few weeks until my body figured out how much milk to produce. I would just use baby blankets as burp cloths and get a new one after each nursing session.
If you plan on nursing and even if you don't think you will co-sleep or nurse in bed, still have the nurse help you learn to nurse laying on your side. Baby 'slept' in the bassinet those first three months, but actually most the time was in bed and when he woke up I would just switch him to the other side and nurse. I was able to get so much more sleep and he hardly woke my husband up. Also I would nurse him while laying on the couch and watching TV. Took a lot of naps that way during the day. Make sure you sleep as much as you can, because you will be exhausted!
Since baby was in our bed alot the waterproof cover was also great for when they would pee during a diaper change.
Going along the line of TMI story, but also those first few weeks while taking the stool softner be careful! I was cabin fevered with my first and decide to go on my first venture out of town and go diaper shopping. Made it an hour away and was in Wal-Mart. Far side of the store and it hits me that I have to go #2. I grab baby in the car seat and the diaper bag and leave my full cart in an aisle and try to walk as fast as I could to the bathroom. Unfortnately did not make it. I remember sitting in the bathroom crying not knowing what to do and horomones going crazy. I ended up throwing away my undies, cleaning up with baby wipes, putting a diaper in my pants and leaving the store. My brother lived in the town where I was, so I called him made him come to Wal-Mart and go buy me new undies and pants. I don't remember who was more traumitized by it all.
Your body is kinda it's own being that first month and it takes a little bit for it to get back to normal.0 -
After having kids NOTHING seems like TMI anymore... I don't know if that's good or bad. That must have been scary/annoying for you! How did it go back to normal? I had a catheter with both of mine since I had epidurals but luckily that didn't happen to me. The stitches from tearing made me cry literally everyday for 2 weeks. My husband just told me to cry if I needed to as much as I wanted. Come to think of it I am an emotional mess after birth. Huh, this should be fun again. Was it little enough amount of pee you could just wear pads?
Uh, no it was not a little amount! It was the whole amount in my bladder as if I just went to the bathroom standing up while clothed, soaked my pants and everything. I had no feeling down there and couldn't stop it even if I tried. The first week or two was really bad and then it gradually got better. I had stitches from my butt all the way up in my female parts and I think also had a tear in my urethra. Surprisingly they didn't hurt, I just had some pressure down there for a while. I tore because Brock decided he wanted to shoot out of momma's vagina like a torpedo (I'm not really joking all that much). The stupid nurse was telling me not to push (yeah right *****, excuse my language) because there was no doctor in there but the baby wanted OUT. She even said she didn't get paid to catch babies. Sorry but when a woman is in labor is not the time to make idiotic jokes like that. You can give birth in a coma, pushing isn't even necessary it just feels good to do it as opposed to laying there. My doula knows that I do not want this same nurse because I plan on delivering at the same hospital just over a year after I delivered my first. She was nice otherwise but also cut Brock's umbilical cord when my birth plan stated my husband was to do it AND we told her he was going to do it. She just got freaked out because she had to catch the baby.0 -
Saw this idea over the weekend when looking for patterns for nursing tops and dresses or patterns that were friendly for the nursing mother. I thought this was sheer brillance and plan on making a few to wear under my nursing tops. All the ones that I preferred were the deeper v-neck and my sons were never very respectful eaters. They would always pull off to see what was going on and leave me hanging out for the world to see. Thought some of you other moms could maybe use the idea as well.
http://diymaternity.com/tops/the-no-sew-nursing-top-solution/0 -
Anyone use any kind of belly binder?
After my first labor I had a reaction of some kind. Apparently, I might have a reaction to penicillin I guess. I broke out in a rash all over my stomach - I had 4 bags of it since I was in labor forever and had GBS+. I had to use lotions and take benadryl to get rid of it. No way I would have worn anything over my stomach.
My second I think I had purchased a cheap one but left it at home. I used it a couple of times I think but couldn't be bothered. I wish I had packed it in my bag though! When I got up to pee I remember my insides rearranging since there was no baby in there and I felt so nauseous. I think had I bound myself a bit then it wouldn't have felt as bad.
So I'm bringing it, but I am not going to be wearing it religiously or sleeping in it like some of the ones claim to need to wear it. I wouldn't be doing it to get into shape within x amount of weeks or anything. I don't think it works like that, nor would I need it to. It wouldn't be for vanity, any hopes of shrinking faster would be great and all, but I was just curious if anyone had any good or bad experiences?0 -
If there is anything you have in mind you want to make sure nobody does/doesn't do to your baby when you are no looking then be certain someone is at the hospital with you. I learned this from experience.
I did not want, under any circumstances, anybody giving my baby a bottle. Breastfeeding only! Yet, the hospital has a policy where when mother is sleeping, the baby has to go to the nursery if nobody else is in the room and because I was all alone when I had my daughter, they would make me sleep every once in awhile and take the baby out. They promised me if she was acting hungry they would bring her back and wake me up. But, they didnt! They fed her formula in a bottle in the nursery and then when I got her back she wasn't hungry and wouldn't nurse. It was a mess.
Oh, and they gave her binkies too, which they also promised me they wouldn't do.
Make sure someone - mother, sister, friend, spouse is in the hospital with you to watch for the things that are important to you when you can't.0 -
If there is anything you have in mind you want to make sure nobody does/doesn't do to your baby when you are no looking then be certain someone is at the hospital with you. I learned this from experience.
I did not want, under any circumstances, anybody giving my baby a bottle. Breastfeeding only! Yet, the hospital has a policy where when mother is sleeping, the baby has to go to the nursery if nobody else is in the room and because I was all alone when I had my daughter, they would make me sleep every once in awhile and take the baby out. They promised me if she was acting hungry they would bring her back and wake me up. But, they didnt! They fed her formula in a bottle in the nursery and then when I got her back she wasn't hungry and wouldn't nurse. It was a mess.
Oh, and they gave her binkies too, which they also promised me they wouldn't do.
Make sure someone - mother, sister, friend, spouse is in the hospital with you to watch for the things that are important to you when you can't.
Oh hell no! I would be so pissed. As someone that's breastfed two babies that never had formula I would be outraged. If my babies needed it or that's the choice I made for formula, then power to them, but if I had said they were to be BF then I would so full of rage. We also didn't do pacifiers at all with my son and waited until my daughter was 4 months to start with her. Luckily my husband rooms in with me (and my parents watched my son last time and will watch both "older" kids this time). My hospital also doesn't really have a nursery anymore, they want baby to room in with you. They said if you're sleeping they want them in the bassinet, but still in your room. If you WANT they will watch baby at nurse's station, otherwise they are hands off. Do all the weighing and bathing in room. It's a wonderful hospital really (why I drive past like 3-4 other hospitals to deliver there 40 mins away from my house when one is literally a 5 minute walk probably).
I would definitely say see what your hospital's policies are. In your hospital I'm with you, someone should always be there with you! My husband held the baby while I showered or went the bathroom - they will have to be set down at some point, so having support if you're allowed someone (some don't as they room share) would be ideal. I hope this time around goes better for you!0 -
Luckily, I am married this time around and my husband will be there. He has PTO saved up and will be taking off work when I go into labor and won't return for at least a week.0
I had a friend send me the link for these last night and I thought they were brillant and wanted to share for other moms who plan to breastfeed.
I plan on purchasing one with my next paycheck and taking along with me to the hospital. 8 and 5 years ago when I would breastfeed I would set there with one of their bottles under the other breast to catch all the drips. Super awesome when someone would walk in and there you sit with your shirt off, boobs hanging out-baby on one, and catching milk out of the other dripping one. But I would get a lot of extra milk that way.
Just make sure that if you do this that you mix the milk with other milk that you pump or pump your breast after baby is done eating and put that milk in there. The first milk that lets down is the foremilk and this is usually made up of mainly water. If you don't mix in some hindmilk your baby will just be hungry right away again after that bottle. Also my doctor told me that the foremilk if given multiple times in a row with no hindmilk can give baby an upset tummy as it may be more acidic. No idea if that is true or not.0 -
On the note of sympathetic leaking while nursing. Boobs can leak without nursing on the other side.
Bring a spare shirt places in your diaper bag.
I had a male coworker of my husband's come by to see the new baby. My son was taking a longer than normal nap and we were visiting. All of the sudden he says he's going to go and up and leaves. I look down once he walks out BIG ole wet spot on one side of my shirt. He never brought it up, but I felt pretty embarrassed. It's been 3 years and his daughter is 21 now, so at least it wasn't a single dude that's never had any experience with a new mama. But if you have company over you're not super comfortable with maybe look down occasionally and make sure you're still dry. I had been wearing breast pads too, it had just soaked through everything. Ah the fun to look forward to.0 -
Re: constipation, get PEG3350 (Restolorax, Peglyte, whatever the trade name is these days).
It's a tasteless powder that can be mixed in any liquid, hot or cold. So easy to work into the day, and also because none of it is absorbed from the GI tract, there are no side effects and no dependency - you can just titrate the amount you use to make sure the stools are easy to pass. I started using it a week or two before my daughter was born, and kept using it for about a month afterwards, every other day or so, until I was in the clear/healed from the delivery. It's available over the counter in any drug store.
It was nice to not have to know the horror of passing a hard stool after labour.0