ALONGSIDE this - what are people doing for diet??

S4llyF Posts: 37 Member
I am not hugely focussed on diet at the moment - but logging EVERYTHING and trying to keep within my calories....

Days like today - period due - I just seem to want to shove refined carbs in all day long.... working on the basis that keeping with the exercise is more important than the odd dietary blow out !!!!!!!

I can see from the calorie logging that the fresh stuff is def the way to go - just need to get my (large) butt in gear and cook !!!!!!


  • alli4795
    alli4795 Posts: 672 Member
    I'm trying a couple of things (trying being the operative word, as I often fail but try again the next day!):

    1 - staying under my calorie goal, which I set manually based on my TDEE -15%. Initially MFP had me on 1200 calories, which was too low for me to achieve, so I regularly felt like a failure. 1200 is also lower than my BMR, so perhaps not the best idea health wise either. I eat back all my exercise calories (and often more lol). I'm a foodie - the Food Network is my favourite channel and eating out a favourite passtime - so I exercise to eat....well, and hopefully to gain a few muscles along the way ;)

    2 - keeping my carbs under 100g / day. Carbs, especially refined starches (love my pasta and potato chips!) are a weakness for me. Eating a few makes me binge on more and more...not to mention the unattractive stomach bloat that comes with it (personal observation versus any type of 'diagnosis')

    I'm definitely not a nutritionist, just playing with my diet to see what might work for me. Too early to tell - but that's my current plan. Feel free to add my as a friend if you'd like to view my diary (eek!!)

    Good luck!
  • jbuc07
    jbuc07 Posts: 914 Member
    I'm just trying to stay within my calories. Which, I'm not always doing. I have mine set at 1470. I usually end up eating my exercise calories back. I'd like NOT too, especially since I don't have a heart rate monitor, and am just going off what mfp says. As far as diet... ahhahahaha. No. LOL. I'm just eating what's in my house. Or, Mcdonalds... LOL! It was a treat today. And I went over, but, I did an extra workout to balance it. So I feel good about it. Yeah, sodium is high, but, it is what it is.
  • SharkBaitRachy
    SharkBaitRachy Posts: 368 Member
    I agree with the others, I just try to stay in my calorie goals on MFP. I am at 1200 but I ate some of my exercise calories back.

    I also have a fitbit and try to reach my goals everyday, or at least most of them. I don't work so I don't walk around a lot, but my steps goal is 10,000, my distance is 3 miles, I aim to be active for 60 min a day and it figures my calorie goal, which is like 2500 or something. The numbers don't match, so if I reach the 2 of 3, I feel good about my day.
  • TseliB
    TseliB Posts: 300 Member
    Also watching my calorie intake. No more 'diets' for this girl. Ever! I mostly have trouble reaching my calorie goal. These last few days of 30DS have helped though, because I feel hungry a lot more. Even ate back my exercise calories once or twice.

    My biggest thing right now is to get my body (and taste buds) used to healthy, nutritious food. I don't add sugar to anything and drink only water and rooibos tea as beverages. Limiting refined carbs too - definitely a weakness. I generally hate cooking, but I'm realising that it's actually essential to a healthy diet. I try to keep an eye on my macros and weigh my food as much as possible, so I really know what I'm putting in my mouth. Fat & sodium is always high, but I'm quite enjoying the learning process.

    Trying not to be too obsessive and I don't deprive myself. Instead, if I'm craving something 'bad' I'll have it, but will start with eating a third of the amount I usually would - way fewer calories & 9/10 times it's enough to satisfy the craving.
  • smusmu
    smusmu Posts: 6
    Keeping a food diary is the best thing for me. I must have at least 3 meals a day and stay under my calorie goal. In the past I ate a whole box of chocolate and nothing else in a whole day. I was under my calorie goal but sooooo not healthy and I was gaining weight. I think it’s very important that I eat homed made food. I cook every day for the last past 4 weeks and its starts to bring results.