Scheduled surgery.. 2/27 & mother not happy



  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing on this post. My surgery is next Tuesday. My sister is not supportive and although her comments are not necessarily negative she continues to say things that give the impression that I am taking the easy way out and don't know what I am getting myself into. My husband has been extremely supportive. I'm tired of the weight roller coaster. I want take care of my weight before I develop crippling issues. Mainly I want to be healthy! Reading these comments have reaffirmed my decision and encouraged me.

    Yes, don't let others fear or uninformed opinions make you doubt your decision. Congrats on taking the steps to take action before your weight causes issues. I did the same thing and my surgeon said he is very happy to see people like me taking charge before the weight related illnesses set in. I feared Type II Diabetes and Hypertension and was getting nowhere on my own. I knew if I didn't do something soon I would likely be dealing with both of those things in the near future.

    Surgery has come a long way and is an amazing tool that is life changing.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I was 234 lbs at 5'6" and at 47 had developed issues that stopped me from doing the things I wanted to do in life. I'm divorced and single and my mother was to be my post-surgery assistance. She was kind of a basket case after I told her. She watched my father die of morbid obesity at 54, (literally, that was on his death certificate). She wanted to be supportive, but was just so afraid for me so I took her to the surgeons office and sat her don with the Bariatric Nurse Coordinator to get he an education. I can't tell you how much that helped! She still had her motherly concerns, but saw that the benefits outweighed the risks. You will likely have some friends\family that will never be "on board" with your decision, but it is just that... YOUR decision! I recommend education for anyone in your life who's opinion you care about. For the others, agree to disagree.

    For me, it was the best decision I ever made for myself. My only regret is that I didn't do it sooner. I was on 10 different prescriptions, (High BP, anxiety, asthma, etc), was completely sedentary, (it hurt to move), and miserable. Today, 5 months later, I'm almost 70 lbs lighter, exercise hard cardio 5 days per week, wear a size 8 and take only omeprazole and supplements. I have an active social life, got a promotion at work and have WAY more confidence. Wouldn't trade this for the world!

    Good luck!