Looking for friends, motivators...

Hi all, I've been a member of MFP for some time now but havent been very active. Ok, havent been active at all.

I'm 26 years old, almost 27 and weigh over 300lbs. I'm needing to lose weight but think I've told myself for so long it wont happen ive screwed my chances. Im miserable right now and truly hate my body.

Thinking about conceiving a child is so emotional for me right now. You'd think it would be motivation but here I am.. fat. Miserable. Ugh.

I want to get back to the happy me. I want a fair shot at being pregnant pcos and all. I want to be intimate with my husband and let him see my body.. I want to fit in normal size clothing...

anyine else feel similar?

I know I've got a long way to go. I need motivation and I want to help others..

Feel free to reach out. Thats what im trying to do.

Thank you.



  • ChelleSC
    You are definitely not alone! One choice at a time you can make positive changes. There's neat video on Youtube about a woman who commits to going to the gym everyday for 100 days. In the beginning she's miserable. After a bit you see a change in her that goes deeper than weight loss. She goes even in miserable weather. By the end she's slimmer not at her goal yet, but happy.


    I don't know if the link will work, but I searched for 100 days and it came up first.

    Just logging on here and tracking your food is a huge step.
  • Nursejess79
    Nursejess79 Posts: 6 Member
    I need some.motivation as well. You are not alone. Feel free to add me! :)