Europe/America - Cycling differences

Austinetc Posts: 74 Member
Bike riding through Europe is on my bucket list, though I don't know if I'll ever do it. Perhaps just parts of a TdF route. But I'm curious. For those who have done both, what are the key differences between bike riding in Europe and the USA? The good and the bad?


  • TheBigYin
    TheBigYin Posts: 5,686 Member
    haven't actually ridden in the US, however from what I read on here, and from speaking to a few former colonials, probably the most noticeable thing, certainly if you're riding in either France, Italy or Belgium/Holland, is that drivers actually "get" cycling, and understand that you need a little more space, and they're prepared to actually sit behind you until it's SAFE to overtake you... unlike the US or the UK!
  • JediCounsil
    JediCounsil Posts: 49 Member
    My favorite is US drivers that "honk" at you to say you are slowing them down on back roads (although rare in NJ). I have cycled all over the US and Midwestern and Southern US drivers don't understand cycling in my experience. I once yelled at a land owner to keep his dog from chasing (and biting) me, his response was I had no right to ride on the roads since they were paid for by gasoline tax so bicycles had no place. I don't get the same attitude in the north east, thank goodness, but the difference is that there are lots of cyclist on the road. Drivers get used to us and treat us better.