What inspires you?

What inspires me is the people I have met recently that are tri-athletes, cyclists, and friends that are in great shape and dedicated to nutrition and exercise as well as a career. I have always been interested in fitness and cardio in my daily life. However cycling demands a higher fitness level, and now I am interested in being fit not only in theory but also in practice. I would also like to inspire others by being thinner and also being a leader in my cycling groups (someday). I also notice that I am heavier than I was 10 years ago despite all my past work. I also (suddenly) have small children and want to live a long life to be there for them. So I am interested what inspires you to loose weight?


  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    Racing. Being able to go fast and having fun.

    DFL > DNF > DNS.
  • slocyclist
    I just love to ride! Carrying cargo or kids (a long time ago), bopping along the trails or a ride into town to visit friends.Any excuse to ride.

  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    1. Being able to keep up with / possibly go faster & longer than my husband. He's done a bunch of century's. My max is 72 miles. I'm hoping this year, with him towing the baby trailer, we'll be at the same level.

    2. Showing our daughter how to live a healthy, happy life. We've always gotten on the bikes to tend to our community garden plot, go for ice cream, town festivals, etc... I hope to keep this up for her sake.

    3. Stress management. The rhythm of cycling calms me. It's how I cope when times are rough--as the matter of fact I started cycling seriously the week my dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It's what got me thru the hardest 7 months of my life. It's how I coped with a miscarriage too. My doctor thought I was nuts. I thought it was a better choice than excessive amounts of wine.

    4. Just the love of the ride. It takes me to new places, gives me a different perspective, and is faster than running or walking!