Feb 1: Is Anyone Still Checking In?

mjgo56 Posts: 93 Member
Attempts to revive this group are not working out. Although there has been a couple of nibbles, if no one else wants to check in once a week to say "what's up" I may have to leave this group and let it die the death it seems to be craving. Just like my Iphone. For some reason, the battery zapped its life away in less than 12 hours...I tried powering up by Halo and wall outlet, but to no avail. I took it out of its cover only to discover some kind of (moisture like) film all over it. I can't figure out how that could have happened, but I cleaned the exterior and put it in rice this morning, but I think the rice is too late. I shall see. So, now I am without communication by telephone as I do not have a land line. I just hope I didn't lose all my info that I have in the phone if I have to get a new one, I am hoping there is some kind of tech way to transfer that out if I get a new one. Well, enough about that.

Weight wise I am doing ok. Trying the diet aspect of the Venus Factor, which I bought and cannot yet recommend until I really go with the entire program, but I have lost 6 pounds in 2 weeks without the light strength training I am supposed to be doing. I only cardioed twice and strength trained once. Since today is a new month, I am going to try to do the strength training at least every other day. The regimen does not really encourage cardio, but I feel better too when I do some.

Well, it has been hot in California this winter, but we got a little moisture yesterday. It does get colder in the am and pm, but not a harsh cold like I have been reading about on MFP in my other group, Fifty, Fabulous and Fun. If this group goes cold and you check in here, you might want to join the other group.

Hope to hear from someone, otherwise Dr. Death will kill this group off.