February goals

lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
if you have 'em, share 'em!


  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Bench press 5 x 90 pounds or 3 x 95
    OHP 5 x 70 pounds or 3 x 75

    Row 1000 meters by the end of the month. I'm working on getting my form and endurance built up, then I'll concentrate on speed.
    Run stairs outside if weather permits, if not, do hill sprints on a treadmill at least once a week.

    Food Stuff:
    Keep going with upping my protein and fiber. Seems to be working on keeping me feeling more full while on a calorie deficit.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Get to the gym regularly. Hope the ridiculously cold weather is behind us.
  • runner359
    runner359 Posts: 90 Member
    My goal is just to learn about this stronglifts thing and of course get started. I'm reading all the posts and links you all have posted. Thanks for that.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    February goals:

    Get up to two chin ups
    Break the OHP PR of 80lbs
    Work my squats back up to 160
    Work DL back up to 200
    BP see how high I can get...I would love to be able to BP my BW...maybe I can meet in the middle with that..lose enough and gain enough that it's somewhere at 150....:drinker:
    Rows just learn to like them

    But most of all don't destory myself while on vacation 2nd week of Feb
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    Be able to squat 125 with good form.
  • KaterinaTerese
    KaterinaTerese Posts: 345 Member
    Learn to like jogging; new job = not so much time for long walks and I need fresh air

    Begin a 15% caloric deficit on February 16 and stick to it for 4 weeks

    It's a short month. Go us!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Hmm, let's see:

    - Finish the month under 180lbs body weight
    - Do a fully unassisted, strict pull-up (I can kip a chin-up atm)
    - Do an unassited dip (I might already be able to but haven't tried in a while)

    There are exactly 4 weeks in Feb, so exactly 12 workouts. If I progress my squats every 2 workouts I would make it to 175.. So
    - Squats: progress to 175lbs
    - Bench: get to 125lbs
    - OHP: get to 80lbs working weight (if I fail I'm switching back to 5/3/1 for this lift only)
    - Deadlift: get to 200lbs

    - Run a mile under 9 minutes

    Oh, and depending what my bodyweight test results are tonight I'll have numbers for march to shoot for there too :)
  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    Attend at least 2 yoga classes. One down!
    Complete 12 c25k "runs"
    Complete 12 madcow workouts (easiest one :laugh:)
    Eat at my deficit all month (average)
  • linka411
    linka411 Posts: 101 Member
    Get my squats right so I can start stronglifts 5x5 next month. It'll be my first time lifting-I'd rather take the time now to perfect my form as opposed to when there's a giant bar on my back.
  • jennicole4
    jennicole4 Posts: 90 Member
    Checking in for week 1 and the beginning of week 2. My first workout didn't go as planned because of the disaster training session. Thankfully haven't seen that guy again! I didn't start on all the weights suggested in the PDF because I was worried about form and wanted to make sure I had everything down with relatively lighter weights, so don't tease me for my sissy numbers! Lol. I watched some of the suggested videos but also buff dudes on YouTube. They're funny and I like that they show you common mistakes and what not to do in addition to proper form.

    Training Session:
    Squats 65 on Smith machine 3x20
    Bench press regular 45 1x20
    Bench press on Smith machine 50 2x20

    Workout A: Squats 45 5x5
    Bench press 45 5x5
    Rows 40 5x5

    Workout B: Squats 50 5x5
    OHP 20 5x5
    Dead lift 50 5x5

    Workout A: Squats 55 5x5
    Bench press 50 5x5
    Rows 50 5x5

    I am Loving this program! I actually look forward to going to the gym and being able to up my weights. I never believed runners or anyone else when they talked about that exercise high. All I have ever felt was tired and sweaty. But now I get it. After I lift, even though it's not impressive yet, I leave feeling accomplished and flooded with endorphins. It's amazing. I'm still tired and sweaty, but I feel happy too! I finally look forward to working out instead of just forcing myself. I probably sound like an idiot, but I'm so excited to finally click with a form of exercise! Can't wait to go again on Thursday!

    I posted this in the January thread by accident, so copy/pasted here.
  • rosetat74
    rosetat74 Posts: 32 Member
    I haven't been at this long... I'm on week 4, and I have like zip for upper body strength so here are my goals for the month:

    Squat at 100# (my bad knees have been holding me up a bit on this)
    Bench over 50# (should hit this, I'm at 45 now)
    Press over 40# (I'm such a wuss at these)
    Deadlift 175#

    I have 3 weeks... keeping my fingers crossed.
  • dixoncrew
    dixoncrew Posts: 186 Member
    My goals for February are:

    1. Squat 100+ pounds with good form,

    2. Up OHP to 55# at least,

    3. Bench 80#,

    4. Go on at least 10 runs, even if they're short.
  • hananah89
    hananah89 Posts: 692 Member
    As long as I continue to progress and get past my plateaus from round #1 SLs I'll be happy. I'd love to squat my body weight (currently 165-168lbs) but that'll probably happen in March. Deadlifting my bodyweight should come much easier as long as my grip doesn't hold me back!

    Also, I'm officially training for my 10k in April.

    Finally, I just want to make sure I have time for all this working out! My busy travel time has started up with work again and these constant early mornings throw off my usual morning workouts.
  • lizafava2
    My goals are to work on my form, especially deadlift and bench press. Not sure why these are the trickier ones for me.

    I have a top secret weight that I am hoping to hit before we go on our trip to Belize. Its not a super big deal, and I'm cool if I'm shy of that number, but I'd be really happy if I make it.

    My main goal, however, is to maintain my strength, fitness and weight while we are on vacation while still having a blast. We travel quite a bit and usually I use it as an excuse to drink and eat way too much. I enjoy myself better with moderation - and there are so many fun, active things to do in Belize! - so moderation is the goal!
  • 6550mom
    6550mom Posts: 206 Member
    I'm ba-aack. Again. Sigh.

    Tough time with health issues, blah, blah, blah…

    So, back to 5x5 with quick profession to 3x5 (like next session maybe) from Wendler. Had 3 weeks off. Again. So deloaded to..

    Starting points for the month…

    Squat 135 (did it with ?able form for some)
    OHP 60 (yeah, I'll be on that for a while) ; Bench 65 (yep, repeating)
    Dead (160) can move up next time (YAY) ; Row 80 (still don't like rows and can't figure out which technique to use)

    So goals for Feb are Squat - get back to 150, OHP 70, Bench 75, Dead 175, Row ?95 maybe

    Not really sure of the goals. I know I'll be away from home for over a week, and will work A LOT, so not sure how many days/week.

    I also do T25 workouts when I can, especially if I can't lift. I like short/intense/ShaunT workouts. :)

    NEVER EVER EVER take my health (or relative health) for granted again! How dare I not exercise and take care of my body when there are people who really can't and would LOVE to be able!

  • RaspberryKeytoneBoondoggle
    My goal is to start and stick with it.

    Starting 5x5 :

    Plan for today is squats, bench press, deadlifts and accessories.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Bench press 5 x 90 pounds or 3 x 95
    OHP 5 x 70 pounds or 3 x 75

    Row 1000 meters by the end of the month. I'm working on getting my form and endurance built up, then I'll concentrate on speed.
    Run stairs outside if weather permits, if not, do hill sprints on a treadmill at least once a week.

    Food Stuff:
    Keep going with upping my protein and fiber. Seems to be working on keeping me feeling more full while on a calorie deficit.

    How did I do? (for my reference)

    I got the bench goal last night, but I missed on the OHP goal-new goal for March instead

    Met the rowing goal, now to increase speed on it. I'm using it for warmups on my upper body lifting days

    Didn't meet the running goal, only got 2 hill sprints in instead of 4. Overall, still too cold to go outside and run stairs-this goal rolls over to March as well

    Didn't really meet the food goal, my deload week was kind of a crapshoot, but I did well the first two weeks and the last week of Feb-this goal rolls over to March as well