
Zanedia Posts: 3 Member
Hey Ladies!

We should all be about 3 months post-partum now. Having so much fun with my little guy! With my first two, the weight seemed to just melt off without much effort, but this time around it is really sticking. How are you all doing?


  • jaylas_mom21
    jaylas_mom21 Posts: 311 Member
    We're doing great! I was due Oct 2nd and had my baby Sept 20th. I ended up quitting my job to stay home with her. I'm enjoying it so much. She's so much fun! I'm getting really close to prepregnancy weight but these last few pounds just don't want to come off!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    JM - that is a super cute pic!

    Rosanna was due 28th October and arrived 3rd November. I was 207lbs at delivery and below my prepregnancy weight immediately after. I'm now 182lbs at 3 months pp and losing around half a pound a week while breastfeeding still. All my prepregnancy clothes fit or are too big and I'm no longer 'obese', just 'overweight' now according to my BMI.

    Rosanna is doing just great. No reactions to her vaccinations and has been teething since 8 weeks. We can see two little bottom front teeth, but they're not budding yet, so about 4 weeks until they break through. Haven't had her weighed in a few weeks, but she's outgrown most of the 0-3 month clothes and is wearing 3 to 6 month mostly. She's also a great sleeper and sleeps from 10 to 6am most nights, occasionally waking for a 3am feed. Just starting to think about making and freezing pureed fruit and veg as baby food, as her eyes nearly pop out during every meal and I'm sure she'll be ready for solids soon. :)
  • Zanedia
    Zanedia Posts: 3 Member
    I am so impressed that you ladies are doing so well on your baby weight! I ended up gaining a ridiculous 55 lbs with this pregnancy. I gained 25 with my first and 30 with my second so not sure what happened!

    I am thinking about doing Weight Watchers again. I've heard they give extra points for breastfeeding so it should work out. I definitely don't want to risk my supply to lose weight, but I've totally stalled out. I've lost 35 of the 55, but have not made any progress on the last 20 in the last few weeks. Anyone ever tried this? Anyone know if the app has as many items as MFP?

    Eli is now 3 1/2 months. I love that he is smiling and cooing. He's a big guy at 17.5 lbs already. So chubby and cuddley!
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    I'm just using MFP. I have it set to Lightly Active, Minus 0.5lb a week and to that I add 500 breastfeeding calories. So I am eating 1850 + 500 + exercise calories, which is loads!

    However if MFP isn't working for you I believe Ybodwen is trying Weight Watchers with her October baby. Perhaps, you could message her to find out more about it?
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Great here - Miles is 4 months old, 15#10oz and 27 inches. We have a tooth I expect to see in the next few weeks and he's working hard to do this rolling over thing.

    I'm doing great - I'm 4lbs under pre-preg weight, losing about 1/2lb a week while breastfeeding. It's hard to find time to fit workouts in but I've been getting better at it!
  • lmp379
    lmp379 Posts: 17 Member
    Can you believe the little ones are 15 months old!! :)
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    I have been off MFP pretty much since the baby came and have slowly been gaining weight. I was mortified to step on the scale the other day and see what my weight has climbed to. Now I'm back and going to find the old motivation I had before so that I continue to log and watch my eating.