3 Feb 2014

hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
Good day all!

I hope this day finds you well. My weekly weigh-in's are on Monday, and I lost .6 pounds since last Monday. I was shooting for 1 pound, but considering that this is a BRAND NEW .6 pounds that I've lost, and that yesterday was the Super Bowl, I'm very happy with my loss!

This last weekend I found myself totally exhausted after doing 1 hour of Les Mills BODYPUMP on Saturday and 30 minutes of running on Sunday. I took two naps! Any tips on how to work out without wearing out??

The biggest challenge I think I will face this week is we're going out to dinner on Wednesday to a non-chain restaraunt. They have no nutritional information listed on their menu, and I couldn't find anything online. I have even e-mailed them to see if they could sent me something, but no. I'm not quite sure what to do! Any suggestions??

How is everyone else doing today?


  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    Also I forgot to mention, I measured myself (as I do every 1st of the month) and I lost inches everywhere! Waist, hips, bicep, thigh, and my calf! So proud of myself!
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    Well done you.
    You have had a very good week.
    Ive lost 11lb in 3 weeks so im feeling pretty good to.
    Im also out for dinner wednesday catching up with old friends to a none chain restaurant and on saturday out with my husband also to a none chain restaurant. Ive been to both places before though so im going to try and sort out some sort of calorie calculation before i go. X
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    Wow, 11 pounds in 3 weeks is awesome! How long have you been doing MFP? Good luck eating out this week!
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    It will be 3 weeks tomorrow since i started MFP but i have really stuck to it. Ive done a lot of excercise and only gone over my calories 1 day and that was only by 79 calories. Im hoping when i hop on the scales in the morning another 1lb will of melted away. X
  • atrip08
    atrip08 Posts: 2 Member
    This is so awesome! Congratulations guys! I've been doing pretty well with my work out plan, but logging my food has turned out to be the biggest struggle. I eat generally well, but I get so frustrated with finding the food in the database and putting it in if it isn't in there properly, this is my biggest challenge right now... But the community on MFP has been really great to motivate my exercise and eating even though I am failing at logging food. So this is my daily struggle!

    As for working out and not burning out, I started C25K (couch to 5k) and it has been really great for me, I was so out of shape and its starts off slow enough that I feel awesome and like I worked out, but not over tired (in fact I always want to run more and sometimes go back to the gym to do another 30 minutes later). I have been repeating days instead of moving up as quickly as they suggest, but you can do that! It's the beauty of the system. Also since you can hear in your head phones when to stop and start running, there is no staring at the clock which makes running feel like it takes THAT much longer.
    I can't give too much advice on logging restaurant food (because I am a bad bad food logger), but give it your best guess and find the closest thing on the database, and maybe try to split an entree with someone or take half of it home and not eat all of it in one sitting at the restaurant, that way you can eat our without guilt :)

    Again congratulations on your weight loss! I've got to get myself on the scale soon :)