Blood Pressure Issues :(

Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
Hello all, hope everyone is doing well :smile:

I thought I was ok... until yesterday when I went to the Perinatologist and then my OB. My BP had been fine the whole pregnancy, up until a couple of weeks ago when there was ONE high reading and the Dr wanted me tested for Pre-eclampsia. Well, everything came back negative last week and my BP when he took it last week was 118/64.. really good! I went to the Perinatologist yesterday morning and I have to admit, I was a little anxious bc of my baby's growth, and then boom a very high reading.. it went down the second time, but not by a lot. I had a stress test done... the first time baby boy didn't move much, Dr sent me to go get a big breakfast and eat lunch before I came back and had my eat high carbs to get him moving bc apparently what I had before the appt wasn't enough.. long story short, he's doing great, kicking like crazy and his heart rate was great. So I went back n forth the each Dr twice and even though the top number was coming down, the bottom was still high, however, when I laid on my left side, it was 10x better.. OB put me on bed rest :frown: I bought a BP monitor to monitor 3x a day. This morning lying down, it was 126/64, sitting up it was 134/87, still on the higher side, but much better than any reading yesterday.

My question is has anyone else gone through this and what has helped to calm your nerves so you could better manage it? Seems like just thinking about it gets me flustered and I KNOW me and baby boy will be fine bc I'm visiting often enough where they are keeping a good eye on us. Btw, I'm 33 weeks :smile:


  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I didn't go through that with the blood pressure (although it was very high at my 20 week ultrasound, but I think that's because I had a latte on the way there) but I did have gestational diabetes and went through a lot of the same things as you emotionally. Like, stress affects it so don't get too stressed out but then you have to test your blood sugar constantly and it's a problem if it's too high.
    I had to have non stress tests twice a week. Usually I had them right after breakfast, which was an active time for my son so he was good to go but once they had to move me to the afternoon which was naptime and he just wasn't having it!!!
    BTW, despite the fact that they were on my case constantly about his size (too big) he was only 7 lbs 6 oz at birth and of course I had bought all three month clothes because they said he was going to be giant and then he didn't fit in anything. I had to run out and buy a bunch of newborn stuff. He was a little early (37 weeks 3 days) so that's still big for gestational age but he's fine. I'm sure your baby will be fine too! This was my second pregnancy (and last!!!) and my first one I didn't have any complications and it was so much less stressful. Good luck!
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    I forgot to say that I think it will help as you're going for your non stress tests and ultrasounds that you will see every week everything is fine. That did help me a lot. Plus I was going every three or four days so I could ask questions or just see how things are going. It is reassuring, even if you are carting yourself around more!
  • RatherBeInTheShire
    RatherBeInTheShire Posts: 561 Member
    I haven't had this problem yet, but when I go in for my appointments, my BP is always a bit higher than normal. I guess I get a case of the "White Glove Syndrome" and get nervous for no reason. My anatomy scan is Friday and i'm sure i'll be so worked up that my BP will be up.
  • miranda_mom
    miranda_mom Posts: 873 Member
    ^^^ Don't drink a latte right before. They get kinda mad when you tell them that's why your blood pressure is up.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Thanks ladies! Yeah, I get worked up, but I try to tell myself they aren't going to kill me and it's for the best, lol. But I definitely agree w/ you Miranda_Mom, I'll be getting the NST every week as well and I see him again this week, so I know it should ease me more, knowing he's ok :smile:
  • Nique85
    Nique85 Posts: 105 Member
    I remember that happened with my daughter. Towards the end of my pregnancy my blood pressure was consistently high. I didn't have pre eclampsia, but I think it was because I was always very anxious before I went to the doctor.
  • Lisa_Rhodes
    Lisa_Rhodes Posts: 263 Member
    Yeah, I have a bit of an anxiety issue when it comes to being tested, lol. It's awful!