First Day Feelings!

bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
Hello everyone! First of all I want to thank each and everyone of you that has helped me in some way!! I have been obsessing over forum posts and finally someone told me to come here and check it out...I couldn't be more happy and motivated. First of all I will give you some stats about me :smile:

Bryanna is my name!
I am 30 years old!
I weigh 174.6 pounds but at my heaviest I was 215. (WHOOP WHOOP for 40 pounds lost)
My goal weight is 140 but, I want to be strong, toned, healthy, if I don't make it there but lose inches...then great!
My body fat % is currently at goal is to be in the healthy range of 24%
I love fun facts.....did you know that it would take 4 hours to hard boil an ostrich egg?

Anyway, so, yesterday was my first day starting the 5X5 and I have some comments and some questions for you all!

loved it!!!
did workout A
feel like I could have used heavier weight than what I did
semi worried about form but know that I will get it eventually

Is that ALL you guys/gals lift? 3 things each day? I don't know why that just boggles my mind that you can get so fit from 3 things?I'm used to 250 million things on my weight training list :drinker:

Do you progress slowly or do you add the 10 pounds each time like recommended?

Any other things that you "wish you had known" in the beginning?

Oh and when did you start seeing results?

I apologize if these are questions you are ALWAYS seeing from beginners but, hey, I'm a beginner :bigsmile:



  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Is that ALL you guys/gals lift? 3 things each day? I don't know why that just boggles my mind that you can get so fit from 3 things?I'm used to 250 million things on my weight training list

    A lot of people like doing it the simple way. I like adding some accessory work. It's up to how you feel, really. Start out with just the lfits. Add some cardio or some more intense exercise afterwards. See how you feel. Do what makes you happy! :)

    But in short: yes, you can get quite fit with just the basics. However your nutrition has to be bang on to see the best results (as with anyother program!)
    Do you progress slowly or do you add the 10 pounds each time like recommended?
    Maybe it's cuz I started relatively heavy since I'd been doing a different program before, but 5lbs a go is more than enough. If I had fractionals I'd go lower on the OHP! lol. I'd say start with 10lbs, when that gets rough go down to 5, Progress at a rhythm you're comfortable at. No one's gonna come and take your gains away if you spend 2 workouts at the same weight!
    Any other things that you "wish you had known" in the beginning?
    Just never forget you're doing this for you, and no one else ;)
    Oh and when did you start seeing results?
    Depends what you mean with results. I know I'm gaining strength and that's pretty awesome. As for my body, been at this weight/fat loss/working out gig for 3 years and it' been a bit of a rollercoaster ride. I'm just starting to see definition in my upper back where there was just this slab of pudgyness a year ago. I still got a belly and fairly wide hips but it's going down slowly.

    Different body parts change differently for different people. Just keep measuring and taking progress pictures. It takes a long time to get to an end goal, but the changes will be noticeable throughout :)
  • UpperBodyLowerBody
    Congrats on your goals, first off! A lot of people don't have them or even realistic ones, but yours are very attainable in a short amount of time.

    You are doing great by starting off lighter than what you know you can handle. Use this time to work on your form; you won't regret it! You may even be surprised that adding weight helps you with your form too.

    Record videos of your form if you aren't sure you're doing it right.

    I do plenty of accessory work after all the major lifts. I do pull-ups, back extensions, dumbbell rows, sprints, etc. I change it up and do whatever I feel like I want to work on, making sure to incorporate plenty of pulling/pushing balanced exercises.

    I progressed at first with 10 on my squats and deadlifts until I hit walls. Then I started using 5 and then 2.5.

    I wish I had known not to increase lifts if I wasn't comfortable. I wish I had known that it's my own program and nobody else's. Deviating from the program is perfectly fine and listening to your body is most important. I wish I had known how important flexibility is to form. And lastly, I wish I had applied my lifting movements to everything I pick up in the real world like I do now.

    Seeing results: Almost instantly.
  • lizafava2
    I'm curious about the replies as well. I started three weeks ago - I am strong with some WL experience and a biggish ego when it comes to strength (sad but true) so I started with more weight than recommended. I kinda wish I hadn't done that, but whatever. Yesterday I de-loaded my bench press (the one I am most wobbly with) to work on my form and it helped a lot. Form is more important than I realized with heavy lifting and I could feel that right away - I have spent a lot of time on youtube watching form videos. That's helped.

    But I have built strength already! I have lifted before and have never seen such fast strength improvements. I feel like my posture is better and that its easier to haul my laundry up and down 4 flights of stairs. I don't know about appearance results because I've lost about 8lbs as well, so I don't know what is what.

    I slow run 4-6 times a week and do not plan to cut that back. I also do planks after I run and think I might add arm work.... my planks have gotten so. much. easier. since starting 5x5.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    Is that ALL you guys/gals lift? 3 things each day? I don't know why that just boggles my mind that you can get so fit from 3 things?I'm used to 250 million things on my weight training list :drinker:

    Do you progress slowly or do you add the 10 pounds each time like recommended?

    Any other things that you "wish you had known" in the beginning?

    Oh and when did you start seeing results?

    I apologize if these are questions you are ALWAYS seeing from beginners but, hey, I'm a beginner :bigsmile:

    THANK YOU!!!

    When you first start, only doing three lifts seems crazy and like it won't work. Once it gets heavier, you may not have the energy to do other lifts when you're done with the three. However, you can add in accessories or assistance lifts to suit what you want to do.

    Progressing 10lbs is only recommended for the deadlift. Everything else is 5lbs. Once that gets to be too much, you can decrease the amount of weight that you add. My gym doesn't have fractionals, so I increased by 5 lbs every other workout if I was able to do the weight with good form.

    Go slow and really get your form down. It's really important!

    You'll notice strength increases right away. Daily activities will seem easier. As far as physical appearance, that all depends. Welcome to the group!
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    DANG!! If I wanted to quote everything I loved about your responses...I would be quoting you all! Thank you for the help and suggestions. I have my mind set....I'm going to do this and I'm going to do this right!!!!
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    But in short: yes, you can get quite fit with just the basics. However your nutrition has to be bang on to see the best results (as with anyother program!)

    And what do you all mean by this? I upped my calories to 1600 for more nutrition and am doing 35%protein (140-150 grams), 45%carbs, and 20% fat. That is what I was seeing through research. I hope that is correct. I have a hard time getting in the protein so I need to be more conscious of that.

    Anything else you recommend?
  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I actually don't increase by 5 lbs--I think it will depend on your current weight and body characteristics and like others have mentioned, where you are in your progress. FYI, I am somewhat on the petite side so I go up in 2.5 lb increments via fractionals.

    I started the program when I was doing 5-6 days cardio, and then dropped 2 cardio days to focus more on strength. Others have added back cardio days, and others just do the SL program with some accessory lifts. I think it depends on your goals--but I will say from experience that you can impede your progress if you don't allow yourself sufficient rest and recovery days.

    So glad you could join us!!
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member

    And what do you all mean by this? I upped my calories to 1600 for more nutrition and am doing 35%protein (140-150 grams), 45%carbs, and 20% fat. That is what I was seeing through research. I hope that is correct. I have a hard time getting in the protein so I need to be more conscious of that.

    Anything else you recommend?

    I was basically just saying if you eat pizza and lasagna every day you're not going to see much in terms of results!

    Your eating plan sounds pretty reasonable. You might want to play around with your carbs and fat% depending on how full you feel. IE: I personally find more fat keeps me full longer. (Also, beef, bacon and other fatty meats > rice and potatoes xD) But it's a matter of personal experimentation / preference here.

    Also don't forget they're just numbers. Macros are not the end of all things. Don't ignore them but don't let them rule your life either. Balance is key!
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    -Watch as many videos as you can to help with form, unless you have access to a knowledgeable professional at your gym.
    -Check your ego at the door; you may feel that you can progress at a faster rate, but the last thing you want to do is injure yourself and be unable to lift for months.
    -I like to calculate calories/macro goals, this means, I don't log my workouts on MFP, so I don't have "exercise calories" to eat back. I prefer this way because getting obsessed over exercise calories burned takes importance from my real goals: GAINZ! This is what works for me.
    -Have fun, enjoy the noobie gains.
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Ok so I met with the trainer yesterday.....she seemed really great and put me through a hell of a workout. It was awesome.....BUT, I brought up the idea of 5X5 and she didn't like the concept at all. She said for my body style that if I want to tone and become "cut" I need to do low weight and high reps. I know that some of you told me to be cautious about trainers and what they are all telling me. Its kind of hard NOT to believe a lady who is 5'2" and 103 pounds and wripped!!!! So, my questions is this....can you do some strong lifts and some light weight strength training? Or what should I do??? I'm feeling conflicted.....

    Thank you :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Ok so I met with the trainer yesterday.....she seemed really great and put me through a hell of a workout. It was awesome.....BUT, I brought up the idea of 5X5 and she didn't like the concept at all. She said for my body style that if I want to tone and become "cut" I need to do low weight and high reps. I know that some of you told me to be cautious about trainers and what they are all telling me. Its kind of hard NOT to believe a lady who is 5'2" and 103 pounds and wripped!!!! So, my questions is this....can you do some strong lifts and some light weight strength training? Or what should I do??? I'm feeling conflicted.....

    Thank you :)

    I don't listen to a thing trainers say. My first gym session I told the trainer I want to learn how to lift heavy. He proceeded to deter me, and I haven't listened to a thing anyone else had to say since. Now when I see him between squats with heavy weights on the ends, I just smile and nod. :laugh:
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Ok so I met with the trainer yesterday.....she seemed really great and put me through a hell of a workout. It was awesome.....BUT, I brought up the idea of 5X5 and she didn't like the concept at all. She said for my body style that if I want to tone and become "cut" I need to do low weight and high reps. I know that some of you told me to be cautious about trainers and what they are all telling me. Its kind of hard NOT to believe a lady who is 5'2" and 103 pounds and wripped!!!! So, my questions is this....can you do some strong lifts and some light weight strength training? Or what should I do??? I'm feeling conflicted.....

    Thank you :)

    I can tell you that lady I saw the other day on the incline bench swinging her arms around with 1lbs weights did NOT look ripped. And I'm not sure she coulda come up with that exercise (I'm thinking it was supposed to be a tricep extension?) on her own.

    Looking at the science, there really isn't a one way to lose the fat magically. Different people will respond differently to (duh) different stimulus. If you want to lift heavy ebcause you think you'll enjoy it, go that way.

    Personal experience? I tried going higher rep and lighter upon the advice of the trainer we were assigned during the fat loss challenge I did and HATED it. So I dun care now if it's supposed to "bur the fat faster" or whatevs. I like strenght and power training: I'm doing what I like and what I want. End of story!
  • bryannakay
    bryannakay Posts: 198 Member
    Thank you! That is what I was thinking too! I'm going to do what works for ME and like it :)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member

    Is that ALL you guys/gals lift? 3 things each day? I don't know why that just boggles my mind that you can get so fit from 3 things?I'm used to 250 million things on my weight training list :drinker:

    Do you progress slowly or do you add the 10 pounds each time like recommended?

    Any other things that you "wish you had known" in the beginning?

    Oh and when did you start seeing results?

    I started heavier then recommended as well but I have WL exp and I am ex mililtary so seemed the natural thing to do ...I haven't regretted it at all but that's an individual thing too.

    Yup 3 lifts every other day...used to take me 30mins...takes me an hour to 75mins now with rests. I do HIIT 2x a week and am currently working on my chin ups and thinking of adding in accessory lifts as well...but not yet.

    I wish I had known barefoot lifting is the bomb....:drinker:
    I wish I had known my bar collars weighed 3.5lbs....:noway:
    I wish I had thought about this in January 2013....
    I wish I had known atg works all the muscles....for squats I was going parallel...or just below.

    I have been seeing my strength gains go great from the start
    After 10 weeks it was 3% BF drop...1.5% in the next 8...I have lost 5.5inches and almost 8lbs...
    The results start immediately I think...
  • gixbr
    gixbr Posts: 34 Member
    Ok so I met with the trainer yesterday.....she seemed really great and put me through a hell of a workout. It was awesome.....BUT, I brought up the idea of 5X5 and she didn't like the concept at all. She said for my body style that if I want to tone and become "cut" I need to do low weight and high reps. I know that some of you told me to be cautious about trainers and what they are all telling me. Its kind of hard NOT to believe a lady who is 5'2" and 103 pounds and wripped!!!! So, my questions is this....can you do some strong lifts and some light weight strength training? Or what should I do??? I'm feeling conflicted.....

    Thank you :)

    Hi Bryanna,

    I'm just starting SL and I have pretty much the same concerns and questions as you do, we almost have the same weight loss goals too!
    I've done the lower weights/high reps workouts in the past and they have worked great for me but this time I really want to try something different so I'm trying to push back all the thoughts in the back of my head telling me that cardio is the only way to go. Just like you I've been reading so many articles about heavy lifting and I think it's exactly what I need.

    I just found a good article about this topic:

    "Low repetitions with high weight increases strength, whereas high repetitions with low weight increases endurance".

    I've spent so much time focused on cardio only that I'm willing to try this new program for a couple of months and compare the changes in my body. I'm actually not even weighing myself this time, I've taken measurements with a tape and a body fat caliper and that's how I'm going to track my progress. I suggest you also get a body fat caliper (if you haven't done it already). Good luck!
  • pjcoco
    Glad to see this post! Today was my very first day and I'm beyond excited to start this program. Good luck to you and we can do it! :)