Starting over

harprsbzr Posts: 28 Member
This group is perfect for me. Red wine is my choice that adds multitude of calories. When I don't drink, I lose weight. You'd think that would kick in. Mentally, I have a very stressful job with a disabled husband at home. All excuses to whine and wine! My goal is no wine during the work week Sunday-Thursday. First day was yesterday, Monday, Feb 3, 2014. I need support on this difficult journey.


  • shadowfeet33
    shadowfeet33 Posts: 45 Member
    I hear you. You know you lose without it, and this one specific thing is getting in the way of your goal, but for some reason you do it anyway. Not to mention that the calories listed are for some pour that is pretty unrealistic for most people who enjoy wine, so who knows how many calories??? On the days you will drink wine, I would suggest having an alternative drink ready for after your allotted amount of wine. I have found a mixture of club soda, light juice (whichever one you like) I use cran or cran cherry (not much) and lime. Kind of like a fake cape cod! Anyway, it can just be a challenge to cut yourself off on the days you do let yourself have wine. How did this week go? Best wishes on your journey!
  • harprsbzr
    harprsbzr Posts: 28 Member
    Last week went really well. No alcohol during the week. Had some over the weekend and believe it, I gain 2 of my pounds back. 'Geesh! Got to cut back weekends too.
  • shadowfeet33
    shadowfeet33 Posts: 45 Member
    Good job during the week though! Do you think it is just the wine, or the food choices you make when you have wine? I know for me it is both! I am trying so hard to make better choices and not feel deprived. I am trying to find something that will last long term. I can do anything for a week or a month or even 3 months, but then a moment of imperfection turns into a downward spiral and I have found myself right back where I started. It has been so "all or nothing". Over the past three weeks I have introduced strength training and more calories. When I get home I have an hour of exercise ahead of me, so I really don't have time for a drink. The weekends are still a huge challenge.
  • treebek
    treebek Posts: 261 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Got into the habit of drinking red wine almost every night after work and gained a lot of weight. This was my first week of no wine during the week. I actually felt better...slept better, more motivated to work out, felt more alert at work. This is probably not all attributed to no wine, more likely to working out, but I know I don't miss the wine calories.

    Had some wine last night (Friday) and wouldn't you know that I drank a whole bottle and totally blew my calories for the day. And this morning I feel lazy and don't feel like going to the gym. I guess tht means no wine for me tonight!!
  • su11378
    su11378 Posts: 17
    I am in the same situation! I have no structure in my life and I've let happy hour be that one time of day that I could plan around to get all my work done and then "reward" myself. I didn't realize the effects of the alcohol until I recently saw a few photos of myself and I looked so bloated. I've been avoiding the scale for a few months and finally woke up the other day and decided it was time to see the damage. I admit I was a daily drinker, sometimes two sometimes a lot more. It has been since Tuesday that I realized I had to take control of things and started to really learn how to use MFP and haven't had a drink in 4 days. I am counting calories and eating healthy. I'm on a mission to take off some weight before summer and other events I have planned. I'm looking for support on here!
  • sapicsr
    sapicsr Posts: 69 Member
    My enjoyment of drinking wine and vodka have caused me to put on about 30lbs over the past 5yrs. Most evenings I would have a couple glasses of wine and the weekends are worse. Since my boys are no longer home I now make my own wine as a hobby. My goal now is to stop drinking during the week, reduce what I drink on the weekend and commit to working out on the weekend. This past month I have logged into MFP every day and have made some improvement but need to get a little better to reach my goals. If you are interested in sharing on this journey send me a friend request.