Needing reassurance

Hey guys! I am feeling down/worried and needing some reassurance. I have PCOS. My husband and I were TTC for 2 years then we got a HUGE surprise! I am now 7 weeks pregnant. I have met with my RE once and had an ultra sound where we saw the heartbeat. They said that everything looked good. Since then I have had blood work done and my progesterone came back very low. (mine was a 4, normal is around 20). I started medicine for that and since then it has come up. I was also diagnosed with hypothyroidism. (normal is .4-3.7 and mine was 29) I got medicine for that today. I'm just concerned that something is going to go wrong. I don't have many symptoms and don't feel very pregnant. I'm just so scared. Has anyone been through anything similar? Should I worry?


  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    It sounds like your doctor is taking good care of you! My understanding is that once you've seen the baby's heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage is dramatically lower. Worrying is normal but try not to!
  • lisapr123
    lisapr123 Posts: 863 Member
    I took a progesterone supplement for ~12+ weeks (Crinone gel) and it's very effective. I was also on a thyroid medicine (low dose synthroid) for much of my pregnancy. All turned out well. I had one pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage, but it was earlier than 7 weeks (I think it was like 4-5...the only reason we even knew we were pregnant was because we are IVF patients). I never had any "pregnancy symptoms" in the 40 weeks of my pregnancy that brought us our baby girl. So don't worry about the symptoms. All the books make it sound like pregnancy is all nausea, sore this and that, exhaustion, etc... Some of us are lucky enough to feel very normal throughout. And with your struggles I say you--like me!--have earned a symptom-free pregnancy! Best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!
  • sphillippe20
    sphillippe20 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks! That makes me feel a little better. I try to tell myself to be thankful I'm not sick...but some days I wish for the validation.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I've never had to take medication in pregnancy, but with my first i didn't really feel any symptoms. I think I felt sick for 2 weeks at the most. I was paranoid that I somehow wasn't pregnant anymore, even after the 12 week scan!

    With my 2nd, and with my current pregnancy, I felt really nauseous from 6-14 weeks. Both girls. My first was a boy.

    It's normal to worry though,I think pretty much everyone does.
  • hiba_84
    hiba_84 Posts: 177 Member
    I think your doctor is monitoring you very closely and taking the necessary measures. Try not to worry, it doesn't change anything. Instead enjoy your surprise (even if you don't feel very pregnant yet, it will come to you :))
  • BrainOnAStick
    BrainOnAStick Posts: 126 Member
    For what it's worth, I did not start to "feel pregnant" until around 20 weeks. At times, it made me paranoid, too. Good luck with the progesterone and thyroid meds. I'll be sending good energy out into the ether for you!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I get very few symptoms while pregnant myself (this is my second, I also have PCOS).
    I very rarely felt a little uneasy as far as nausea - but that's the biggest "symptom" I had.
    Currently 16+3 right now - every now and then I think I feel the baby flutter but as I haven't had an ultrasound since 8+4 I am itching for my next to see that baby move.

    My last pregnancy was very similar and I ended up with a very healthy girl.

    Your doctor does sound like they are keeping up with things - just keep following up.

    Best wishes to you for a happy and health I guess 7m to come!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I was worried every day until 16 weeks. I have previously miscarried and was so scared of doing it again.
    But, 16 weeks along baby started kicking and I found my peace in that. Now every morning when I wake up I spend a few minutes just lying there, feeling him kick and knowing he is just fine before I get out of bed.