This Brunette is just as fun as the blond! 2/5

garlic7girl Posts: 2,234 Member
Now that I have gotten your attention! Hey! What's with all the fanfare with quinoa?!?! What about Millet?! No not Mullet but Millet! It it Yummolicious!

I love this article for a couple reasons:
1. Who doesn't want something else to spruce up your diet?! Sometimes the same ole same ole gets boring.
2. It is easy to make! I found Millet a year or so ago but of course we all know knowledge is good but putting into action is power! So I have decided to buy some and made it and I love it. So easy to make and very versatile. I think kids would love it. Not expensive either. I am going to try the muffins. I have made with salad and in breakfast (I mixed with oatmeal)
3. YEAH! Quinoa gets all the guts and glory but do we know all the OTHER good treats out there?!?!?! Research!

Challenge find it and buy it and use at a later date and let me know how you like it.
PS if you are a Whole Foods junkie I think they put it out on their salad bar often.

Love WW


  • WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr
    WarriorCupcakeBlydnsr Posts: 2,150 Member
    Hm! Didn't even think of trying millet in place of quinoa (I have tried quinoa time and time again and I HATE the taste of it, I keep trying to convince myself that the "last time" I had it, it just wasn't prepared right and to try it again.... and I still hate it) and most of the time when I get my GF bread I end up getting the millet and chia bread. Will have to look for it the next time I wander through the health food store aisles
  • verdemujer
    verdemujer Posts: 1,397 Member
    So funny WarriorCupcake - we like quinoa in our family (nickname frog eggs) and don't like millet. Millet didn't have the taste for us that we enjoy with quinoa. I am on the look out for Freekeh as that sounds interesting. Its an ancient roasted form of wheat out of the middle east. I ate gruin corn in Germany which was explained to me to be a type of wheat like grain that was harvested when green. It was delicious but I can't find it in the US. Nothing wrong with mixing up the grains. We get stuck in ruts that for sure.