The Open



  • pookaroo78
    pookaroo78 Posts: 65 Member
    I signed up, not sure what I'm getting myself into! :bigsmile:
  • BitteOrca
    BitteOrca Posts: 74 Member
    Signed up! So pumped/scared for the announcement tonight.
  • lnicks1
    lnicks1 Posts: 11 Member
    I seldom can do RX . I have limited mobility so OHS are a joke. But, I have signed up. I look at it as a way to see how I improved from last year.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    Signed up! So pumped/scared for the announcement tonight.

    A couple of years ago the first workout was Max burpees in 7 minutes. That would be even more scary because anyone can do it, and it's going to HURT.
  • MissXFit13
    MissXFit13 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm in! It's my first year. EEK!

    And to be totally honest, I could care less how I stack up against everyone else. I'm just excited to be able to do these WODs with the 60 other people signed up in my gym in a competitive, in house thrown down-type of atmosphere. It's going to be a blast!
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    Anyone done it yet?

    People were doing it this morning whilst I was doing the regular WOD. Looks mean.
  • Wronkletoad
    Wronkletoad Posts: 368 Member
    argh. double unders. grumble grumble.

    I wanted 12 minute burpees. /kicks pebble.

    and once and for all, let's just call the lift "ground to overhead" and drop the "snatch" terminology, if not for accuracy's sake, then for sanity's sake :)
  • dirtybadgermtb
    dirtybadgermtb Posts: 140 Member
    I am in! 3rd time competing! I wouldn't miss it for anything as it is the most exciting time of year in our box!
  • ascrit
    ascrit Posts: 770 Member
    OK, so now that we have had 3 WODs I have formed an opinion on the Open; it is complete horse**** and an enormous money grab by CrossFit Inc.

    I mean, they say that everyone can compete but look at the WODs:

    14.1 has double-unders which most beginning CrossFitters don't have
    14.2 has C2B which most beginning CrossFitters don't have and OHS which is a pretty difficult lift for newbies
    14.3 has heavy deadlifts which can wreck your back if you don't use proper form

    I did not sign up for the Open because even though I have been doing CrossFit for 8 months I don't RX the WODs consistently and competition isn't really my thing anyway. I can only speak for myself and other CrossFitters I have talked to but it seems like every gym encouraged all members of all skill levels to compete and that certainly seems to be the message from CrossFit, Inc. Oh, and by the way you get to pay for it on top of your normal CrossFit expense. It just leaves a really bad taste in my mouth.

    I go to the gym to workout, period. If I wanted to play sports I would sign up for a softball league. CrossFit should either put in some kind of minimum standard for competing in the open OR save these types of WODs we've been doing for the regional comps. Having super hard WODs at the freaking Open is such a meathead way of going about things I can't believe it. Not a good look AT ALL.
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    This is my first time *officially* doing the Open. Last year, I'd been on doing CrossFit for 2 weeks before it began, so I did everything scaled: weights and movements.

    My coach asked me to register and I did -- Masters Women 40-44 -- and it's been tough because although I can RX the weights, there are still movements I can't do (C2Bs, MUs, HSPUs) or which I am struggling with efficiency or stringing them (pull-ups, DUs, T2Bs).

    Right now, I'm glad I accepted my coach's challenge and registered. I haven't learned anything about my CrossFitting self that I didn't know before, i.e. my weaknesses. They are well-known and I'm working on them. But I've pushed myself and I'm proud of my hard work.

    14.3 gave me a HUGE bump up in the rankings but I know those damn burpees are a'coming, lol. They are truly like kryptonite to me.