Similar to Zombies, Run?

I have known about Zombies, Run! for about a year now-- I love it and it's helped me become a runner (and I used to hate running).

I am wondering if anyone has recommendations for a similar app. I know the company also produced the 5k training app and that walking app, but I checked them out and I'm not really interested. What I liked about Zombies, Run! was the story aspect-- I liked the fantasy part of it and it kept me entertained. Is there an app or a podcast with a similar function? It doesn't have to be zombies, I think the basic concept would work well with vampires, spies, etc.

If not, I may have to start working on something myself because this is the only way I can get myself motivated to run! :ohwell:


  • anzyyyy
    Update: after some more internet searching, I found this:

    Has anyone tried it? It seems similar.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello, I saw this popup on my runtastic app, but have not tried it as it didn't really give me any info. Perhaps I didn't look in the right place, I'm not sure. I would be curious to know if anyone else has tried it & what they thought of it.
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    That Storyrunning thing sounds cool. I still haven't caught up with Season 2 of ZR and I hear Season 3 is imminent, but if I manage to catch up to that I'll have to try the Runtastic thing.
  • lessofless
    lessofless Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for sharing! I love the Zombies, Run app despite my hatred of Zombies. I am looking forward to starting season 2, but this could be a good option as well.