Sharing Is Caring

mlauraa Posts: 166 Member
This is the Sharing Thread. If there is anything you would like to share with the group you are more then welcome to post it on here.:flowerforyou:


  • jbirdgreen
    jbirdgreen Posts: 569 Member
    Hi guys!

    I just thought I'd share an impromptu recipe that I threw together.

    Skinny Spinach Flatbread


    Sliced fresh Mushrooms
    Red Onion (About 1/4 peeled and chopped)
    Minced Garlic -- (I used one light squeeze from the bottle packed in olive oil, I think that equals 1 clove)
    Italian Seasoning to taste
    Goat Cheese
    Roasted Red Pepper Hummus
    Spinach (two handfuls of leaves)
    Optional: Squeeze of lemon
    Flat Out Light Flatbread (I used the Spinach variety)

    1. Bake flatbread in a 375 degree onion until lightly crispy. Do not overcook. You want it to be crisp, but not browned. Remove from oven and heat the broiler.
    2. Prepare Flatbread by spreading on a thin layer each of hummus and goat cheese. (2 tblspoons of each are considered a serving, but be less generous if you wish.)
    3. Saute Red Onion, garlic and mushrooms in a medium heat saucepan until slightly caramelized/translucent.
    4. Place onion mixture on flatbread and top with fresh spinach. Sprinkle with italian seasoning.
    5. OPTIONAL -- Take half a lemon and lightly squeeze over spinach. You can also lightly toss the spinach with olive oil and lemon juice.
    6. Broil on high until spinach begins to brown. Watch the edges of the flatbread to keep it from burning.

    I was generous with estimating the calories here on MFP and it came out to 530 calories. If you leave off the olive oil, it is about 370 calories.

    It's not super light, but it satisfied my pizza craving!
  • Hi guys,

    I thought I'd share a great product I've only recently discovered.

    It's a noodle made out of a Chinese root vegetable called Konjac which is low in calories (23 per 200g) and high in fibre. It has also been shown to fill you up due to its bulk, aid in lowering cholesterol and blood sugar and improve digestion.

    In Australia it's sold as a brand called Slendier Slim but in other countries there are other versions.

    It tastes kind of like rice noodles, but soaks up the flavour of what you're cooking.

    It can come in various forms, rice, pasta sheets, noddles, pasta.

    I've only been using it for 4 days but it has really satisfied my appetite
  • Have you ever tried broccoli slaw heated? Tonight, I did for the first time, and I thought it was really tasty. I recommend Kroger's brand broccoli slaw. You put in a microwave safe dish for 3 minutes, stir, and for 30 secs. more. Then, I added 1 TBL spoon of salsa and 1 small can of canned chicken, drained and heated in microwave, too, for 30 secs. When you heat the broccoli slaw, it's like a substitution for noodles! My mom shared this with me, and I loved it! You could probably add a little 0% fat Greek yogurt to the chicken like a marinade, too! I am always looking for fast recipes, because I am a teacher and mom of two!
  • 4Titaa
    4Titaa Posts: 42 Member
    Hi! Here's a game I am starting with my self to try and break bad habbits of self defeating thoughts. So we all had defeating thoughts from time to time some like me make it to often.I make fat jokes of myself before ppl. Do .Have you ever thought...why bother?who cares?am stuck?so what?am done?I quit !and worst actually do it.

    Well my game is... every time you think selfdefeating thoughts or act on it,you must DROP EVERYTHING AND 20 DO REPS OF ANY EXERCISE!!!
    Yes if you happen to be at Dr.'s office drop do 20 squats lunges even crunches on his table... too bad! shouldn't think like of yourself!! Same if your at a friends house ,groceries store, why 20? Reps let's see we can easyly push for a set of 10 But 20 SUCKS LOL !
    Have fun with it am going to do my 20 as I tryed to quit just typing this thing n my pc shuting off 6 times lol
  • CupcakeGangsta
    CupcakeGangsta Posts: 18 Member
    It appears that the main user who started this group has deactivated her MFP account. (MLauraa)

    However I think we can all put out heads together and gather support and motivation from each other to help reach each other reach our fitness goals by Spring!!

    Just remember this is a bi-weekly weigh-in...

    starting weight was 2/10/14
    Weigh in 1: was 2/24/14
    Weigh in 2: Will be 3/10/14
    Weigh in 3: Will be 3/24/14
    Weigh in 4: Will be 4/7/14

    These are the dates people should be posting weigh-ins. If you are just now joining you may start your weigh in on the date that is current for you. Just thought this would be a helpful way to lay this out, because I see a lot of folks posting all over the different threads their weights and are way ahead the rest of us. We can collaborate ideas and make this work!! :)