Is anyone training for their fist marathon?



  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Should I focus more just on the mileage and thats it and don't worry about the pace (I know the answer with it being my first is yes)? Anyone have any good plans that only focus on mileage and not pace? I have one by Jeff Gaudette thats on RunKeeper.

    Everyone add me!

    Yes, mileage is what you should be working on. Speed will come with increased mileage. Just pick a plan and stick with it. There is no need to do any speed work for your first marathon. Just easy running with some tempo once a week will be enough. Hal Higdon has many popular plans.
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member

    Yes, mileage is what you should be working on. Speed will come with increased mileage. Just pick a plan and stick with it. There is no need to do any speed work for your first marathon. Just easy running with some tempo once a week will be enough. Hal Higdon has many popular plans.

    Thank you! It's going to be hard switching from my current HM training (lots of speedwork) to just mileage for my marathon. I have 21 weeks between them. It will be nice :)
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Yes, mileage is what you should be working on. Speed will come with increased mileage. Just pick a plan and stick with it. There is no need to do any speed work for your first marathon. Just easy running with some tempo once a week will be enough. Hal Higdon has many popular plans.

    Thank you! It's going to be hard switching from my current HM training (lots of speedwork) to just mileage for my marathon. I have 21 weeks between them. It will be nice :)

    Just to note, for all endurance events (that's everything from the mile on up), aerobic fitness is what you need the most. You get that by running easy effort miles, those that fall in the 65% to 80% of MHR. Speed work helps to hone the speed that you already have from the aerobic base that you have built. So, for the HM and Marathon, more easy miles will give you the most bang for your buck.
  • HappyRunner34
    HappyRunner34 Posts: 394 Member
    Yes, mileage is what you should be working on. Speed will come with increased mileage. Just pick a plan and stick with it. There is no need to do any speed work for your first marathon. Just easy running with some tempo once a week will be enough. Hal Higdon has many popular plans.

    Thank you! It's going to be hard switching from my current HM training (lots of speedwork) to just mileage for my marathon. I have 21 weeks between them. It will be nice :)

    Just to note, for all endurance events (that's everything from the mile on up), aerobic fitness is what you need the most. You get that by running easy effort miles, those that fall in the 65% to 80% of MHR. Speed work helps to hone the speed that you already have from the aerobic base that you have built. So, for the HM and Marathon, more easy miles will give you the most bang for your buck.

    What he said!!!
  • dawnhart77
    dawnhart77 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm doing my first half -this SUNDAY! It's at Disney and I'm super excited. I have been so busy building endurance and trying to increase my mileage that I just realized last night that I'm running on Sunday. My sister, who is an extreme marathoner, told me to taper... (had to look that up) so guess that's what I'm doing the rest of this week. :)

    Good luck to everyone training. It's exciting to see everyone getting so jazzed about their first one and the support from all of y'all that have been there- done that!
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Running my first FULL this October, Marine Corps Marathon!! Wooohoo!!! :)
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I will be training for a November full. Right now, I have half #5 scheduled for Sunday, as long as my antibiotics fix me up enough to race (sinus infection).
  • ElliottTN
    ElliottTN Posts: 1,614 Member
    Training for my first full at the end of April. I have a love/hate relationship with running so cheers to torturing yourself.