Anyone else having trouble with the scale going up?

I KNOW I'm pregnant. I KNOW I'm supposed to gain weight. Just watching the numbers go up is starting to get to me...

I'm 25 (almost 26) weeks pregnant and have only gained 14 lbs. I started out healthy weight.

HOWEVER, with my son I was overweight, gained 23 lbs due to Gestational Diabetes diet. 15 lbs was in 3rd trimester watching everything I ate. I lost the weight easily and then 10 more. With my daughter I wasn't overweight and didn't get GD, so I ate uncontrollably. I gained 46 lbs, 21 in 3rd trimester, and lost that and 12 more within 8 months. It took so much work afterwards and watching everything I ate.

I really don't want to have to work so hard at losing the weight again. I want to enjoy Breastfeeding and the hunger that goes with it without examining everything and feeling guilt when I eat things I shouldn't. Whatever I gain (I'm going with 15 lbs up to 2nd tri and worst case another 20 in 3rd so like 35? I was told 25-35, so that would be within range) and I could stand to lose 10 more just seems overwhelming. I'm not sure why? I've lost more before and know I can do it again, I just don't want to. But I'm not going to go hungry or starve this baby. I just hate the scale. I had my husband hide it my last pregnancy, but I think that just made me feel like I could eat more.

I guess I just want sympathy?


  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    It has been a really hard, double edge sword for me as well. This last week my husband got on my case about 'counting calories' and dieting while pregnant. Which I am not doing. Yes I log my meals, but I have my goal set to gain half a pound per week like the doctor suggested. I eat all my calories, and if I end up on an under day it's by 100-200 calories. The reason he got so upset was because I did my weekly weigh in and I gained three pounds that week. I was disappointed in such a large leap on the scale. He asked that I not log for one week and see what happens, so I did. We had an ultrasound on Friday, and Lena is weighing a pound more then is 'normal'. At 28 weeks they should be around 2.25 lbs and she was weighing in at 3 lbs.

    I am in the same boat of I want to gain the 20 pounds that were recommended and not much more then that. I just have to remind myself to make healthy choices. I really try to make sure that I get my 4 servings each of fruits and veggies. Don't always, but it's the goal. I am not exercising at all and that is something I wish I could do, but it is way to cold and icy here and I don't want to to take the risk of falling. I have a could of pregnancy videos, but I don't have the energy or want-to to do them.

    I have no good answer or anything I can think of to say to make you feel better. But just know that you are not alone. You at least have one more mom who is feeling the same way. I am trying to come to terms that this next trimester will be large gains on the scales as she finishes fattening up before delivery. And that since I am carrying Lena high (and carried both my boys low) that this time around I will just look different pregnant.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I hear you. I don't even look at the scale at the doctor's office so I have no clue what I weigh right now. I think probably 240 and I started at 235 (I'm six feet tall). With my son I lost 25 within the six weeks postpartum after having gained 35 while I was pregnant and then I GAINED ten due to some issues I had with stress. Then when he was seven months old I got pregnant again (this pregnancy) and we are done having kids, so I feel like I can just focus on getting healthy again after my baby girl is born. I have been tracking the whole time but not eating enough fruits and veggies so I'm trying to be better about that. The other day my dad told me I was eating too much when I told him I average around 2100 calories. Well, not really considering my height (and what a thing to say, dad!) and I'm supposed to be eating around 2500 on a daily basis. That's what I was doing with Brock's pregnancy, however this time I have placenta previa and am on pelvic rest so I am not getting as much exercise.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I have placenta previa this go round as well and I am freaking out about it. We had an ultrasound Friday to check on it. It had moved so it was no longer covering the cervix, but it has not moved far enough away for them to okay a vaginal delivery yet. We go back in 4 weeks for one more ultrasound. I am having so much more discomfort this go round and wondering if this is some of the reason. I could have punched my mother-in-law yesterday when I told her about the ultrasound results. She is a very negative lady, and she went into these horror stories about my husband's delivery as supposedly that is what was wrong with his pregnancy and why she went into labor early. She is lucky I take anything she says with a grain of salt, but I told my husband I will not tell her how the next ultrasound goes. He said that was fine, and all I needed to say if she even asked was that everything looks okay.
  • TLCEsq
    TLCEsq Posts: 413 Member
    I have placenta previa this go round as well and I am freaking out about it. We had an ultrasound Friday to check on it. It had moved so it was no longer covering the cervix, but it has not moved far enough away for them to okay a vaginal delivery yet. We go back in 4 weeks for one more ultrasound. I am having so much more discomfort this go round and wondering if this is some of the reason. I could have punched my mother-in-law yesterday when I told her about the ultrasound results. She is a very negative lady, and she went into these horror stories about my husband's delivery as supposedly that is what was wrong with his pregnancy and why she went into labor early. She is lucky I take anything she says with a grain of salt, but I told my husband I will not tell her how the next ultrasound goes. He said that was fine, and all I needed to say if she even asked was that everything looks okay.

    This is me now too! How far along are you? Mine was complete previa at 20 weeks when they did a transvaginal ultrasound. Now it's just partial, still very low lying and hasn't moved much. I'm 24 weeks and already high risk due to lupus and some other stuff. I go in again for a heart block check next week so I think they're going to check the placenta again. I am having discomfort too, especially when I lay on my side. My nurse case manager told me that's the weight of the placenta on the bottom of the uterus so I'm sure it's the same for you too.

    I hear you with the inlaws thing - also keep in mind that was how many odd years ago and the science is so much different now. If you're taking care of yourself and resting that's all you can do. Everything will be okay, and only tell people what they need to know (which sometimes is NOTHING!).
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I am 28 weeks today. They caught it at 20 weeks during the anatomy scan ultrasound. All they said was that it was covering the cervix, but did not say how much. Doctor did say that it was not attached over the cervix on both sides so that it would probably move as my uterus expanded and we would repeat it in 6-8 weeks, which happened on Friday. It was still low, so they did transvaginal so they could get a measurement. It had moved so it was no longer covering, but the closest edge was 1 cm away from the cervix. Rechecking in 4 weeks and then from there will see if we need to schedule c-section or not. My nurse and the midwife we saw (my regular midwife was out sick that day) were both not concerned. Midwife said that it needs to be at least 3 cm away from the cervix to go ahead with a vaginal birth. Both her and the nurse said that there was still plenty of time for it to move those last 2 cm as I still have 3 months to go. I hope they are right!

    I don't notice discomfort when laying down. That is actually about the only time I am comfortable as I am carrying her so high this pregnancy. Both my boys were very low pregnancies and I am not use to having anything this close to my ribs. I feel like I can hardly breathe, and she is constantly stretching out and I just ache. My husband pointed out she might be higher since the placenta is taking up her room in my pelvis where she should be. I get a lot of Braxton-Hicks when I am up and walking, and they hurt. And it's just a constant pressure. My pelvis bone aches something fierce.

    I know I still have 12 weeks left, but I am just so worried. And it's stupid and I know it. Healthy baby is all that matters in the end, but I am being very superfacial and don't want a c-section scar. If it ends up being that way, I'll get over it, but right now pregnant and horomonal I'm not. The other part I tried to explain to my hubby is that I have been planning and thinking in my head how this pregnancy and delivery would go for 6 months. I was really excited with using a midwife and not a doctor this time because all the things that I want to happen (and not have medical intervention) I would get, and now it I might possibly have to have the biggest medical intervention you can. I am worried about being put on bedrest and burning up my maternity leave before the baby. I was taking the whole summer off from May till August when the kids went back to school. I worry about having to figure out what to do with them during the rest of the summer if I have a short leave. I promised them lots of swimming and that will be impossible with a surgery incision. We have a huge garden every year and can all the veggies. I won't be able to work in the garden for the first 6 weeks at least. All stupid things, but all things that I am freaking out about none the less.
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    Thank you for the sympathy ladies! Last time I tried not to look at the scale and it got out of hand. I"m eating all my calories and am doing "good" on weight gain - however I know how much I can and do pack on in 3rd tri. 3 lbs in a week would really upset me, and I have gained that much in a week before! When you're thinking you're eating reasonable and then BAM huge weight gain!

    So sorry for the low lying placentas! stephsyd - I don't think it's stupid to worry about a csection for any reason! Of course we all just want healthy babies, but after 2 vaginal (and one really hard earned one) deliveries I would not be happy to have a csection. Not for the scar (I have tons of stretchmarks, what's a scar?) but for like you said limited activities. I have a 2.5 and 1 y/o and it would be incredibly difficult to be able to take care of them after major surgery. I know it's a ROUTINE and helpful surgery, but it's still a surgery (I haven't been cut open yet, so the idea of that freaks me out). I think having been pregnant you know everything that can go wrong (I was blissfully ignorant of a lot of things 1st time around) and you worry more. I was asking the tech at 20 weeks "Where's my placenta?" "How long is my cervix?" "What the hell could be wrong with baby?" (my son had problems on his scan and that required many follow up visits with specialist, over probably nothing both while I was pregnant and since he's been born). Now that I'm not worried about those things I've switched to "Do I have Gestational Diabetes again?" (I take my test in 2 weeks. I'm 26 weeks but I've been putting it off with Dr,s permission until 28 weeks since she's pretty sure I have it and I am not ready for the extra appts yet. I was close to failing at 9 weeks, so this will be a fun worry again - my daughter I dind't have it and wasn't even close at any point) "Will I be GBS+ again?" not a huge deal, but the antibiotics burned in my IV and I had an allergic reaction to them which wasn't pleasant.

    How these kids can drive a person so crazy, but so worth it.

    We started potty training my son Saturday. Can anyone say pregnancy hormones? I had him sit on the potty for a bit. He said he didn't have to go. Within 5 mins he was peeing and pooping in his underwear! I sat down and cried. I'm trying to avoid 3 babies in diapers but I'm not sure my hormones can handle this!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    I have had a Csection and now with this one am trying to do VBAC.
    Csections SUCK! Please do everything you can to avoid that.
    Not only are they not fun initially, and forever after while healing and all - it is causing problems all over the board right now.
    It has been 8 years since my Csection and am now pregnant again. I deal with very sharp pain in my stomach, just about the scar because my bay is growing and the nerves aroundbthe scar are stretching and pulling from where they were sewn in.
    My chances of natural delivery are kinda low too.

    Far as the weight gain goes, it sounds like you are on track. Try not to worry so much.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    We started potty training my son Saturday. Can anyone say pregnancy hormones? I had him sit on the potty for a bit. He said he didn't have to go. Within 5 mins he was peeing and pooping in his underwear! I sat down and cried. I'm trying to avoid 3 babies in diapers but I'm not sure my hormones can handle this!

    I cloth diapered my youngest son at home and he had disposables at daycare. So when we switched to potty training we got those thicker training undies, and then I would put him in fleece pants. Fleece is natural water-resistant so if he had an accident it would not soak into the chair or couch he was sitting on. I also made him a pad that he had to sit on when on the couch, etc. I just took fleece and an old towel - fold the towel in thirds and sew the fleece onto the back. It helped with accident as well and I did not have to worry about the couch then. If you do not sew it would not be necessary. You could just put the blanket down and towel on top, but this allowed him to move and carry it around with him. When we would leave the house or go out to play I had a soaker pad that I made that went into his undies. It had a waterproof back and then layers to soak up the pee.

    For Iver, he figured out peeing pretty quick because he did not like being wet. But he unfortnately did not mind sitting in a poopy pants. When I cloth diapered him we used a small piece of fleece as a diaper liner, so I did this in his underwear so that way when he had a poop accident I could just take the liner out and rinse that in the toliet instead of having to rinse out undies all the time. The diaper liner I based the dimensions off were my Bummi ones But just used fleece that I purchased from JoAnns with one of their coupons (same fleece I used on the couch pad)

    Hope some of those ideas might help and I don't blame you one bit for training to get him potty trained!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I cloth diapered my youngest son at home and he had disposables at daycare. So when we switched to potty training we got those thicker training undies, and then I would put him in fleece pants. Fleece is natural water-resistant so if he had an accident it would not soak into the chair or couch he was sitting on. I also made him a pad that he had to sit on when on the couch, etc. I just took fleece and an old towel - fold the towel in thirds and sew the fleece onto the back. It helped with accident as well and I did not have to worry about the couch then. If you do not sew it would not be necessary. You could just put the blanket down and towel on top, but this allowed him to move and carry it around with him. When we would leave the house or go out to play I had a soaker pad that I made that went into his undies. It had a waterproof back and then layers to soak up the pee.

    For Iver, he figured out peeing pretty quick because he did not like being wet. But he unfortnately did not mind sitting in a poopy pants. When I cloth diapered him we used a small piece of fleece as a diaper liner, so I did this in his underwear so that way when he had a poop accident I could just take the liner out and rinse that in the toliet instead of having to rinse out undies all the time. The diaper liner I based the dimensions off were my Bummi ones But just used fleece that I purchased from JoAnns with one of their coupons (same fleece I used on the couch pad)

    Hope some of those ideas might help and I don't blame you one bit for training to get him potty trained!

    Such great ideas! James has decided he HATES the potty now (Day 1 went great, Day 2 ok, Day 3 lots of resistance, and Day 4 he wouldn't sit on the potty unless I dragged him to it crying). So we decided to give it a break...for now. However, he is so sad to be in diapers and tells me "no diapers" but gets even more upset if the potty is mentioned. I wouldn't mind the occasional accident, but he would pee/poop his pants within 5 mins of getting off the potty after being dry for 2 hours. I love all your ideas though, once we try again I will definitely think about doing some of these. I think I have spare fleece and towels and I do sew (though not great!). I have the training undies and underwear he LOVES, but if he's not motivated enough to keep them dry (he refused to sit on the potty and instead peed through 3 outfits of training pants and pants before 11am - and he woke up at 8) then I'm not ready yet to fight the big fight. I feel like a failure, but I don't want to make him so upset he'll refuse the potty - which he is doing. He used to be excited to sit on it. Not so much anymore. I guess the worst that happens is I'll be changing 3 sets of diapers a day.