So your sitting on your chair or couch on your laptop/desktop reading this on MFP. WHEN YOU SHOULD be working out! LMAO JK. You try to look back on your day and see if you are working out hard enough eating the right foods or just not being a lazy bum and TRYING to find motivation. BEING FIT is hard! Takes a lot of time and commitment to lift those weights and do your cardio. HOWEVER! BEING HEALTHY is very easy. HOW SO? You ask? Well Fitness does not start with the gym and counting calories and burning fat! Living a TRUE healthy life starts with the SOUL then to the MIND while the body follows. I tell my friends and co workers to get a fit body does not start with weights it starts from the inside first. BEST way to start even though it may sound funny or "stupid" is affirmations! For example: Look in the mirror even BUTT NAKED! (even i have trouble with that because i some meat on these sexy bones! lol ^_^) and say to yourself with a firm voice and BELIEVE in the words with FEELING and say, "I'm beautiful! I'm strong I"m fit". When you tell yourself that your fit and healthy and that going to the gym is your way of life rather then a chore you start to believe it. IT"S WEIRD! i know!!! BUT IT WORKS! NOW i'm no MD or psychologist just a normal guy/gal like everyone else here but what i have notice is that when i started to have self love and self respect my motivation to go to the gym sky rocketed. it's not an easy task WE ALL know this! But if your serious and tired of your weight or feel guilty eating four cheeseburgers from McDonalds then maybe you need to do some soul searching. ONCE you realize your beautiful and strong and fit you feel like going to the gym is not a chore but a need. The way i see it i go to the gym before work and I tell myself going tot he gym and being healthy mind body and soul will allow me to be a better OPTICIAN for my patients and i'll always be in a good mood to help those in need. So in a sense working out before work is me getting paid. I feel better i'm more focus therefore i perform better at work and my day goes with ease! NOW that sounds amazing and YOU Probably say well that might work for you but not for me and you might be right! HOWEVER! give it a try or find a way that helps motivate you! IF you need to talk to friend me! I"M ALSO on FITBIT i use the fitbit force tracker which i'm in love with! I"M NO personal trainer or MD or psychologist just a guy with a big heart and wants to live a healthier life! I wish you all the best your endeavors and if you ever need some BOOST believe in yourself and go to your MFP friends for support!


  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    I absolutely agree. Loving yourself makes all the difference.
  • iKaze0789
    I absolutely agree. Loving yourself makes all the difference.

    YOU are correct sir! and congrats on your weight lost keep up the good work! YOU GOT IT! :) (high five)