your Kung Fu is better than my Kung Fu

spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
I don't know if this is verboten or not, but I thought I'd start a thread where professional geeks struggling on a project outside of our own geek skillset can ask other professional geeks with those skills for help. I would think the questions would be discussed privately once a specialist offers to come to the rescue of the asker, but I guess choice examples could be shared on the general board if others express interest.

Ok, so I'll start since I'm in Oracle hell right now....

If anyone has experience using Oracle's DBMS_SCHEDULER to create and schedule a SQLPlus script (*.sql) to run and can help me out, I will send them healthy home-baked treats according to their tastes, and will even add it as shared food so you can journal it easily.

I'm a Windows/MSSQL developer trying to get information out of a convoluted Oracle db remotely hosted on Linux and which does not seem to be a standard Oracle11g configuration. So the documentation I can grasp often doesn't work (like getting the oracle SID with functions, and even if it did I'm not sure I understand where it goes in the script). Bring your Oracle sauce to the table please.


  • spud_chick
    spud_chick Posts: 2,640 Member
    Okay, well, I was able to get some help on this problem so the offer of guilt-free baked goods is WITHDRAWN! But seriously, I still think this is a good idea. If not, it will die soon enough.

    Carry on with your assorted mad skills~