Anyone over 55 and not up to rigorous exercise?

Hello Everyone,

I am on my millionth diet and as I have for most of my life struggled to lose weight and keep it off. I am 75-85 lbs. overweight. In my younger years I lost pretty fast and was very active but have found since I have turned 60 that most exercise sites, blogs, video's etc. talk about or show people doing hour plus workouts, walking 5+ miles a day, doing Zumba, well, you get the picture. I need something a little less fierce. I have been doing the WWI excercises for about 20 min. or walking around my block (1/2 mile) but that is about all I can handle. I get discouraged over this and feel like I am not doing enough. Is there anyone out there who is my age, weight, and experiencing this? Or anyone with any knowledge about what is average for someone like me to do?

Please help!


  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    Hi Betty,

    I'm not quite 55 (but getting close!). Due to osteoarthritis in one knee, I can't do any impact workouts, so lots are out for me.
    What I have been doing is going for 3 walks per day, 30 mins each time. I started out at 15 mins each, twice a day, and worked up to 30 mins each, 3x a day. On weekends, one walk goes up to 60 mins, schedule permitting. I found that doing 3 walks in a day, rather than one big workout, my energy level is much higher, and I've had very good results.

    Don't fret that 1/2 mile limit. I'm sure as you progress, you will be able to improve on it. Best of luck!
  • agarlits
    agarlits Posts: 429 Member
    My Grandfather (70) has many similar problems. He has found swimming at a local indoor pool 3 times a week to be his answer for this. Not only does swimming burn more calories per hour than any other form of exercise but the pressure on your joints from the water also has a therapeutic effect and can help to ease many of the daily aches and pains that come with getting older. If you have a local pool available to you I would suggest trying this out for yourself.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    My parents are in their 70's and still very active. My dad rides his bike in the morning and evening for 30-60 minutes, just around a bike path - nothing strenuous. He also take a 'back class' at the local health club which is just stretching and some very simple strengthening. My mom still does the original Richard Simmons workout and then also rides a recumbent bike at home or walks on a treadmill. Both work out daily. They have the bike, treadmill, and some light weights at home.

    I think you should do something you like, and like the other person said, break it up into a few smaller workouts to boost your energy throughout the day. As time goes by and summer approaches you can take longer walks or later walks since it's light later. If you can find a friend to walk with that will help too because it makes time just fly by if you're with a buddy talking while you walk.

    Hang in there and always remember that a little fresh air and a little activity will not only help suppress your appetite, it'll give you great, positive energy!!
  • Walking is an excellent exercise, as is swimming, and water aerobics. Walking is relaxing, while the swimming and water aerobics are more fun.

    Also, there are Exercise DVD's made for Seniors, which range in ability from only seated exercises for those who can't stand or keep balance well, to a more normal exercise routine. You might try checking into those, I know has some.