Elder Scrolls Online (Beta)



  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    To me, it's biggest problem is that it feels like a single player game where other people just happen to be inhabiting the same world

    You just made me excited.

    My biggest frustration with gaming now is that everything is going online. I love single player games with RPG elements like KotOR, Elder Scrolls, Fable, Mass Effect. When SW:TOR was announced, my heart sank. Instead of making another all time great game Old Republic series, Bioware decides to join the MMO fray. Then Bethesda does the same with Elder Scrolls. Yuck.

    But if it feels like a single player game, I may have to get it.
  • IridescentRose
    IridescentRose Posts: 14 Member
    On the topic of graphics, I really don't understand why everyone is complaining. No, the graphics aren't Skyrim-level gorgeous, but you can't have your cake and eat it too. (Especially in this sort of company). You either have an online game, or you have stunning graphics. If we had both, it would require ridiculous amounts of processing power and only the very rich and tech savvy would be able to play. Technology is just not there yet. To me, it look slightly prettier than Oblivion, but nowhere near as gorgeous as Skyrim. And I'm okay with that. Because it definitely still feels like an Elder Scrolls game.

    And, as stated above, it feels like a single player game. Which I love. I'm sure when the full game is released they will incorporate more co-op missions and the like, but the beauty of The Elder Scrolls series, and all Bethesda games, is that it's your adventure. You are the adventurer. Which is why giving the game a single player feel was such a good call on their part.

    On the controls, I agree they're clunky. I have a small hope in the back of my mind that they'll make it controller compatible, and I think that would help streamline it. I know that isn't likely but with all of the people who game on laptops, it would be nice. I've always played TES on a laptop with a controller so that's probably just me being silly, though.
  • linkirving
    linkirving Posts: 121 Member
    This is a bummer. (note: I don't care what you think about IGN)


    "Even in its best moments, Elder Scrolls Online only makes me homesick."

    The entire reason I play Elder Scrolls games is exploration. I think I had over 300 hours in one Morrowind save, and had some friends with 600+. Same for Skyrim. ESO doesn't look like it will have that sort of longevity. I guess it was unfair to expect that, since it's an MMO.

    I just keep asking myself why they had to do an MMO Elder scrolls. I know, money, but it's not like Skyrim didn't make boatloads of money.