Week 5 Challenge

fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
HI Guys!!! It has sure been a hectic week. Thank you so much for your warm wishes for my son. He is FINALLY feeling better and today was his first day back to school. And MY first day back to the gym!!! Unfortunately I did not have time to make a video for this week's challenge.

With Valentine's Day coming this week, I thought we would take this week to F.L.Y!!! First Love Yourself!!!! Take a moment everyday to post on this thread something that you LOVE:love: about yourself. It could be physical, or an accomplishment you did that day..... anything!!! Just take the time to show some:love: LOVE!

We are approaching our midpoint of this challenge.... so let's be sure to stay focused and keep this group together to the end! I know that it gets difficult with the bad weather and so many everyday things that we are faced with.... But together we can do this! Do not be so hard on yourself if you decide to enduldge on some sweets for V-Day! Just enjoy the moment and then get back on track. No worries!!!

I feel truly blessed to have you guys in this group with me!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY to my friends!!!!:love::love: :love:

Pam :)


  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Tuesday: I LOVE that I keep going! I have BAD days and BETTER days.... but at the end of it all....I get back up and keep going! :)
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I LOVE this challenge! :-)

    I tweaked my ankle a little over a week ago. Some people on here know I took up running last summer and it was REALLY HARD! I think the "old me" would have used this very minor injury to throw in the towel. I love that even though my ankle was sore, I threw on an ankle brace and got back on the treadmill today and ran 3.5 miles after taking a week off. I told myself when I got to the gym that I would try just running 1 mile to see how it felt but I was doing well so I just kept going!

    (Don't worry folks - I'm listening to my body and taking care of my ankle. It's just a little swollen and a little sore but it's nothing serious. I took it easy last week to let it heal.)

    Pam - half the battle is showing up! I love that you keep creating these challenges for us!
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    I LOVE this challenge! :-)

    I tweaked my ankle a little over a week ago. Some people on here know I took up running last summer and it was REALLY HARD! I think the "old me" would have used this very minor injury to throw in the towel. I love that even though my ankle was sore, I threw on an ankle brace and got back on the treadmill today and ran 3.5 miles after taking a week off. I told myself when I got to the gym that I would try just running 1 mile to see how it felt but I was doing well so I just kept going!

    (Don't worry folks - I'm listening to my body and taking care of my ankle. It's just a little swollen and a little sore but it's nothing serious. I took it easy last week to let it heal.)

    Pam - half the battle is showing up! I love that you keep creating these challenges for us!

    You are so right Jen!!! Thanks for always being part of these challenges!! You are such an inspiration! Hope your ankle gets better soon and GOOD for you for not allowing it to hold you back!!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!:drinker:
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    I see my sergon tomarrow about my knee, it looks like surgery but I'll not let that stand in the way of my health. I am not able to walk much because my knee has started to lock on me, so I have been doing crunches, leg lifts and lifting weights [ arms. shoulders,and side bends with weightd] there is more than one way to work out!:laugh:
    I can also watch what goes into my mouth.:wink:
    Oh and I will weigh in tomarrow, my computer wasn't working all day.

    What I love about myself is I dont give up even when it would be very easy to right now. Have a wonderful week.
  • IowaJen1979
    IowaJen1979 Posts: 406 Member
    I was actually looking forward to posting some more love today - is that a bad sign? :-)

    I love that I drag my toosh to the gym in sub zero weather and snow EVERY DAY! I only bailed 3 times and 2 of those times I worked out at home, the third time I was getting over a stomach bug. This winter has been bananas!

    Carrie - I hope everything goes well with your knee! Keep us posted!
  • AZRunnerGirlinErie
    I love that even when I'm really tired I will still get out of bed and workout before work.
  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    Even though right now I'm stuck in a rut, I love how far I have come with myself. Losing all this week wasn't easy and I know it'll continue to be hard but I love that I'm doing it. It'll be better for me and better for my family. :)
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    today i love that my work uniform is getting to big for me, i love the support i get from around the world, i love waking up every morning to my various messages of well being due to time differences. i love that i can keep going and have found my motivation. I love that i made the right desion to get back on my journey.
  • Alsison
    Alsison Posts: 626 Member
    Today I love that I aced my mid-term exam last night!!!

  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    Today I love me. I love the life I have, the family I created and the husband I have.
  • marisol2066
    marisol2066 Posts: 19 Member
    I love that I don't beat myself up about indulging every once in a while. It just motivates me to work harder at the gym to burn those extra calories!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    i love the 5 inches that are now missing from my waist. i love that i am learning to run. I love that my husband is showing his appreciation of me efforts, and the valentine flowers i received.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    I see my sergon tomarrow about my knee, it looks like surgery but I'll not let that stand in the way of my health. I am not able to walk much because my knee has started to lock on me, so I have been doing crunches, leg lifts and lifting weights [ arms. shoulders,and side bends with weightd] there is more than one way to work out!:laugh:
    I can also watch what goes into my mouth.:wink:
    Oh and I will weigh in tomarrow, my computer wasn't working all day.

    What I love about myself is I dont give up even when it would be very easy to right now. Have a wonderful week.

    Rowing is a great cardio alternative you might be able to do!
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    My surgon thinks knee replacment, I'm going to ask my doctor for a seconed opinion with a doctor that I have heard a lot about and is known for replacment surgery and it's a last resort.
    As of right now I am having a real hard time walking so I'm doing crunches, leg lifts and side bends with weights[ I can sit]. Still trying to lose, but am hoping at least not to gain.
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    Today i love my new profile picture and the effort i have found, (maybe it was in my shoe) but two grading in one day was the hardest thing i have ever done.
  • omgsmg
    omgsmg Posts: 98
    I love that I reached my goal of 100lbs lost and that even though I don't want to go to the gym tonight, I'm going anyway because I might not make it tomorrow.

    I also love that I've been putting off meal prepping because it just is so much work but today with my husband's help, we accomplished it!
  • aprilh47
    aprilh47 Posts: 250 Member
    Today, I love that i went with my family to pizza hut buffet and ordered from the lighter options menu.
    I love that i managed 2.5 mins running intervals, covering 2.9k. And sort of enjoyed doing it.
  • carrielynn62
    carrielynn62 Posts: 400 Member
    I'ts been a very long week, I spent valentines day in the hospital with my husband, he was having chest pain, cold ,sweating he was pale and dizzy, so we called the ambulance and away we went. They said that it wasn't his heart so on monday he was seen by his doctor and we are having other tests done . Now we have to wate for test [first one is this morning] His doctor has taken him off work for three weeks to try to figure out what has happened and may be off longer depending on what they find.
    I have not been able to work out much as I'm having knee problems and my doctor is thinking full knee replacement and I am wanting a second opinion.Oh and while in the ER with my husband my knee gave out and I almost went down,It has been locking up and swelling more sence.
    What I love about my self? I'm not giving up on my health and weight loss. It may take longer than I would like but I will get there sooner or later/

    Please pray for my husband and me as we try to find answers. Thank-you!