Hello JC friends

I'm looking for friends, especially doing JC and MFP.

My profile tells most of why I am doing JC but I have been successful at weight loss before and then I went back to school at the age of 40 and my weight slowly started to creep up. I have been on JC for 10 days and lost about 5lbs but besides that I finally feel in control of MY food intake.

Feel free to friend me! I would love some support and I also would live to be supportive on your lifestyle change!


  • jessie524
    jessie524 Posts: 3 Member
    hi...are you still doing JC? I just joined and I, too, am grateful to feel my food intake is under some control. It's been about a week and I've lost 5 pounds. Many to go but i DO feel better. If you're still around and on, say hi. I'm surprised the JC group is so quiet.