New, looking for help to get motivated

Im new to the site. A friend of mine introduced me to it.
I am a single mom of a 4 yr old boy who just started JK :).

I work full time 9-5 everyday that has me sitting all day long and I feel like I literally have no time. We have a crazy busy schedule now since my son has started hockey and his swimming lessons at the Y on weekends (he's the only one with a membership). I recently had an accident that limits me to what I can do working out wise.

I am looking for help to get into healthier eating habits and quick work outs, that are not only good for me to help me drop the 20lbs by June but, that my son will enjoy as well. Luckily he isnt a picky eater, I am just a lowsy cook lol.


  • DesdemonaRose
    In terms of just lowering calories, cutting simple carbs (white bread, stuff like that) can help a lot. The more vegi to everything else ratio you have the less calories. Some meats are leaner than others. I've started to buy Green Giant steamer bags since even the bags with cheese flavored vegis are pretty low calorie. It's a nice flavor change.

    Time, just walking can help. You might look odd, but if you can walk in place, go for a walk around the building during practices, or any sort of movement during your sons practice will help. I have short phone app workouts that I do. Runtatstic has short Ab workouts that really work the abs, there is also a My Daily Yoga app that has shorter workouts. I've even ran back and forth in the house in little mini-sprints to burn a few extra calories. Cleaning can burn some calories too, especially if you are walking all over the house. If you can afford a pedometer it can help modivate you to move around more as well. There are also mom and kid yoga shows on Youtube that might help get your son into it.

    I know the busy, I work earlier but by the time I get out, pick up my kid, and drive home it's always past 5. If we shop it's even later than that. I'm lucky enough to get some time at work to workout though. If you get any sort of 15 min break, maybe a quick stroll around the building or outside around the block. You can find office desk workouts online, but some of them might gain you some looks. If you don't care then they can be a good solution too.