Tips for Staying Healthy while Working Lots!

I have struggled for the last 6 months to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Partly due to the nature of my job, and the many hours I spend in the workplace in a week, but mainly; dedicating time for myself before work.

I have vowed this month to go to the gym before a shift; even if I don't know how long it will be. (I work as a Manager in the Hospitality industry running large events, conventions, etc, and a typical shift is 12-18hrs..). My excuses, while legitimate (I am going to walk 10miles at work tonight and I don't know when I will get to go home! etc), were keeping me from achieving any further goals with weight loss, muscle gain, and maintaining the goals I had already reached.

So, let's talk tips for staying healthy at work.

This month I:
- go to the gym, even it it's a day off
- always take the stairs instead of elevator
- wear a smart pedometer (FitBit One) to help me keep track of miles walked, stairs climbed, and steps taken, so that I can actively measure the physical efforts in my workplace

I am looking for more ideas.. Let's hear it, ladies!