Just started, couple of questions for the pros

cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
Hey all. I just started the program on Monday. I'm not new to working out or lifting but new to stronglifts. I've done stage one of NROLW and NROL-abs but stage 2 in both programs got too long and complicated and started interfering with my first love (spinning-no haters please) so I thought I'd give this a go. Both workouts done and I'm loving how simple and efficient the program is!

Now I have a couple of questions. I belong to the Y and love it but they only have 1 squat rack, no power rack and two smith machines (yeah, I know). As you can imagine, the squat rack is in high demand and the guys who workout the same time as I do are lifting much more than me so even though they'd let me, I can't work in. (And I'm the only woman I've ever seen use it!!!) So I'm looking for options for my squats. What will be the best substitute (I apologize if this is a common question-there are a ton of threads here!)? I have sketchy knees so have to be super careful what I do and I also tend to carry excess baggage in the trunk. I do not seem to be the girl who gets smaller in the butt and thighs with squats and I like fitting in my expensive jeans!

Second question-why just one dead lift?! (5 times I know). That just seems weird to me! What is the reasoning?

I'm not trying to bulk. I'm trying to lose 10 lbs that I stress ate back on last year and lose body fat so I'm eating at a deficit (TDEE -15% calculated with Heybales spreadsheet). Have others successfully done this?


  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    No hate on the spinning, I used to take that class all the time. It is one hell of a cardio workout.

    You can always sub with gobblet squats or one of the many non-barbell squat variations. Gobblet squats are probably the most common sub. The glutes should tighten up and if you are eating at a deficit, you shouldn't see any long term size increase. There may be some initial increase due to the increase in water for muscle repair, but it shouldn't be long term.

    Deads are very taxing on the body. They pull on more than just the legs and typically are a heavier weight than the other lifts. You can do more than one set or add warm-up sets and then one working set. Here is the SL 5x5 website explanation: http://stronglifts.com/why-deadlifts-1x5-stronglifts-5x5-squats/

    Welcome and I hope you are able to find some time in the squat rack soon!
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
    Thanks so much! I just read the link and that makes sense to me.
  • krokador
    krokador Posts: 1,794 Member
    Yeah, when you get to bodyweight and + range for the deadlifts, you won't really be feeling like pulling more than one set (although I do like to add a back-off set of sorts still, but that's personal preference).

    For your squats, what jstout said is good. Goblet squats are pretty awesome in that they will work your core more (kinda like a font squat). Eventually though that might get tough to load further.

    Also, as a gal with quite the hip width (it's a family thing, apparently) I'd say don't worry about gaining size too much. The hips/butt/thighs area is where I've lost the most inches since I started weight lifting!
  • lizafava2
    Are all the guys working in with each other on the squat rack? I workout at a Y that has one squat rack too (so annoying - it must be cheaper than any one of the dozen machines that are used 1/4 as often right?) and I just get in line and do my workout when its my turn. And I frequently fill out the request card for another squat rack....
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
    Krokador, I hope I get your results and lose inches-I really like my clothes and want to get back into them!

    Lizafava2-the guys aren't working in but there actually aren't that many guys who use the squat rack. I'm constrained by what time the spin class starts. I have to go straight to the gym in the morning and get my workout in or it just won't happen. So I go early, grab my bike and get set up then go lift and do core work before class so if it's not available during that window I have to do something else. There one guy who knows I like the squat rack and let's me know how much longer he's going to be (probably because I look like a crazy stalker woman!) and I actually think I could work in with him because he's doing circuits so sets up the squat rack with his weights, does those exercises, goes to another spot in the room and does something else then comes back to the rack for his next set. So there is down time there but he's lifting way more than I am and will be for the foreseeable future. And I agree that it's annoying! Gobs of floor space is taken up by cyber and free motion machines that cost way more.

    These are good alternatives and when I get to the point that I have to have the squat rack, I will reevaluate things.
  • merflan
    merflan Posts: 216 Member
    I'm so impressed you are spinning and doing this workout on the same day!! Love to spin.
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,423 Member
    I'm so impressed you are spinning and doing this workout on the same day!! Love to spin.

    The other days I golf so it's gotta be spin day. I will tell you all, two workouts in and I am feeling it big time today! I'm also hungry as a bear so trying to stay in a deficit is gonna be hard. (Failed at that miserably today!)