

My name is Katrina Finch and while the snow is falling outside, I've been sluggish and lethargic. Maybe not what you'd like to read, but it's true. I began to think of all the other people who have been affected by this weather - especially my fellow teachers! This has been a difficult semester....let's grab the bull by the horns and claim this as OUR semester!!

I am a middle school teacher at Gray's Creek Middle and LOVE my job!

Please introduce yourself and invite others!!!

Have a blessed day!!

Katrina Finch


  • LadySyi
    LadySyi Posts: 1
    I know exactly what you mean. I feel that way even in the summer . As a Military wife its hard to really get out there when you don't drive. Excersieing and me just haven't been friends. I'm not the type of person to just do it alone, and my Husband is just to busy most of the time, Not many friends either that can help. I have to say it is hard. But I do keep trying.